1955-1956 1956 - 1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 EXECUTIVE MEETING 1959-1960
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Ladies Assoc. Minutes 1955 through 1959-60
PEI Curling Association Minutes (Ladies'Assoc.) 1955 through 1959-60
The recording of the history of the PEI Curling Association (Men's and Ladies) and curling clubs on PEI is part of a project initiated by Jerry Muzika through the PEI Curling Association with the view to preserving the curling heritage of Prince Edward Island. Minutes from the Associations and some of the curling clubs have been reviewed and excerpts taken and compiled chronologically. Some anecdotal accounts have also been included for their historical interest. Thank you - to all who have cooperated and participated in this project. Especially to Debbie Carragher and Janet Doiron at Sport PEI, Shirley Lank, Cornwall Curling Club, Ron Atkinson, Belvedere, and all those who located minutes and entrusted them to me as I carried out my review. Any errors and/or omissions are unintentional and corrections should be passed on to me at this web site. - Jerry Muzika
Below are the minutes of the PEI Ladies Curling Association from its inception in 1955 through the 1959-60 seasons. Click the links to view other years: 1960-61 through 1969-70 1970-71 through 1979-80 1980-81 through 1989-90
MEETING FOR ORGANIZING PROVINCIAL ASSOCIATION A meeting of the four Ladies Curling Clubs of Prince Edward Island was called to discuss the possibility of forming a Ladies Provincial Curling Association. The meeting was held in the Banquet Hall of the Summerside Curling Club on Wednesday, March 30, 1955. Marion Smallman was asked to act as Chairman and Irene Silliphant to record the minutes. There were about 25 present. Kay Johnston suggested that the delegates be appointed to represent the different clubs as spokesman. Excerpts from the rules of the New Brunswick Ladies Curling Association and of the Prince Edward Island Curling Association were read to be used as a guide to the meeting. It was moved by Evelyn Cudmore of the Montague Curling Club that the new organization go under the name of the Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Organization. This was seconded by Mrs. Maurice Perry of Alberton and received the unanimous approval of the meeting. It was suggested by members from both Alberton and Montague Clubs that the meetings of the Association be held alternately in Summerside and Charlottetown. Betty Linkletter made a motion to the effect that a temporary Executive be appointed to sit until such time as the first annual meeting is held, such Executive to be appointed from the two delegates representing each club, and an additional delegate from the club furnishing the President. The Executive would consist of a President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. This was seconded by Mrs. Maurice Perry and the motion was carried. Kay Johnston moved that the President come from the Summerside Club for the first year. This was seconded by Evelyn Cudmore and the motion carried. After some discussion it was decided that the first meeting be held the last Saturday in October at 2:30 p.m. at the Charlottetown Curling Club. Some suggestions were put forth regarding the playoffs for the Crockett Trophy, emblematic of the Ladies Provincial Championship; namely, that the two teams should represent each club, a winner and runner-up, and that the competition should be a double knock-out with 10-end games. The rules of the Crockett Playdowns would be changed to conform with whatever decisions were made by the Executive at their Fall meeting, subject to the approval of the donor, Mr. Carl Crockett. The two official delegates approved by each club were chosen to continue to act until the Fall meeting. The following are the delegates: Montague - Evelyn Cudmore, Hal Inman
Charlottetown - Elizabeth MacDonald, Kay Johnston
Alberton - Beth Waugh, Mrs. Maurice Perry
Summerside -Marion Smallman, Betty Linkletter These delegates will elect the officers and a committee to look after the by-laws. It was suggested by Betty Linkletter that in the interim between our actual participation in a Dominion Curling Bonspiel, we look into the possibility of having a Maritime Bonspiel with two teams representing each province. This would be only until the Dominion Bonspiel gets underway. Betty Linkletter was nominated by Kay Johnston to act as President of the newly formed Association with the unanimous approval of all the delegates. As a result, another delegate had to be chosen from the Summerside Club and Irene Silliphant was asked to act in that capacity. The Executive pro-tem of the newly organized PEI Ladies Curling Association met immediately after the general meeting in the Summerside Curling Club on March 30, 1955 and elected the following officers: President: Betty Linkletter
Vice President: Kay Johnston
Secretary-Treasurer: Marion Smallman The President Betty then took the chair. The necessity of having by-laws was discussed and after reading the "Constitution and By-Laws" of the PEI Curling Association and parts from the "Constitution and Rules" of the New Brunswick Ladies Curling Association, the Executive appointed a committee to draw up a Constitution of our own using these as guides. The committee appointed consisted of four members, one from each club as follows: Elizabeth MacDonald, Charlottetown, Chairman
Beth Waugh, Alberton
Evelyn Cudmore, Montague
Irene Silliphant, Summerside The proposed by-laws are to be forwarded to each club as well as to the present Executive for study before being presented to the Annual Meeting. In order to meet any of the expenses that might ensue before the first Annual Meeting, each club was asked to pay a fee of $5.00. This was moved by Kay Johnston and seconded by Evelyn Cudmore. A Motion was also made by Kay Johnston that the Executive ask each club to appoint two members to act on the Provincial Executive for next year, with the Summerside Club appointing three members as the first President is to come from this club. This motion was seconded and carried. The Secretary was asked to write Mrs. Andrews, Moose Jaw, Public Relations Convenor for the Western Canada Association for information regarding the organization of a Dominion wide Association. It was also suggested that our Association affiliate with the Provincial Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club for which an annual fee is charged. After deciding to hold the next Executive Meeting at 2 pm prior to the first Annual Meeting on October 29, 1955 the meeting was adjourned.
Marion Smallman, Secretary/Treasurer
ANNUAL MEETING The first Annual Meeting of the Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Club was held at the Charlottetown Curling Club at 2:30 pm on October 29, 1955. In the absence of the President, Betty Linkletter, the Vice-President Kay Johnston acted as Chairman. The minutes of the first meeting held in Summerside on Wednesday, March 30, 1955 to organize this club were read by the Secretary for this meeting, Irene Silliphant. The minutes of the first meeting of the Executive Pro-tem were read by Marion Smallman. A letter from Mrs. H.C. Andrews of the Western Ladies Curling Association regarding the formation of a Dominion Ladies Curling Association was also read and discussed. The Chairmen Kay then asked Elizabeth MacDonald, Convenor of the committee appointed to draw up our Constitution, to present the by-laws to the meeting. These by-laws were discussed and one by one some changes were recommended. Elizabeth and her committee were congratulated on the excellent work they did in this matter. Chairman Kay then asked each club to name its delegates appointed to act on the Executive for the coming season. These were as follows: Charlottetown - Kay Johnston, Elizabeth MacDonald
Montague - Evelyn Cudmore, Jean MacDonald
Summerside - Muriel MacArthur, Al Morrison and Anna Hayes The meeting then adjourned. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the P.E.I. Ladies' Curling Association was held on Saturday, October 29, 1955 at the Charlottetown Curling Club immediately following the Annual Meeting and the following officers were elected: President: Mrs. Muriel MacArthur, Summerside
Vice-President: Mrs. Evelyn Cudmore, Montague
Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs. Anna Hayes, Summerside
Games Chairman: Mrs. Kay Johnston, Charlottetown President Muriel then took the chair with the following delegates present: Evelyn Cudmore, Montague; Jean MacDonald, Montague; Kay Johnston, Charlottetown; Elizabeth MacDonald, Charlottetown; Muriel MacArthur, Summerside; Al Morrison, Summerside and Anna Hayes, Summerside. We were advised that the two delegates from Alberton Club were unable to attend. The Secretary/Treasurer was instructed to write the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Ladies Curling Clubs re a Maritime Bonspiel in the future. The dates of the Provincial Playdowns to be held in Charlottetown this year to be announced at a later date by the hostess club. A motion was made by Elizabeth MacDonald that an entry fee of two dollars be paid by each participating team in the Provincial Playdowns to help defray expenses at Playdowns. This motion was seconded by Jean MacDonald. Members of the Games Committee are as follows: Kay Johnston, Charlottetown, Chairman
Jean MacDonald, Montague
Beth Waugh, Alberton
Al Morrison, Summerside The next Executive meeting to be held during the Provincial Bonspiel, dates to be announced. Meeting adjourned. Anna Hayes,
Ladies Membership 1955 1956
Charlottetown 77 94
Summerside 75 85
Montague 29 25
Alberton 13 16 1955 - 1956
Officers Charlottetown President: Barbara Roper
Vice President:
Secretary: Jean McLean Summerside President: Marion Smallman
Vice President: Anna Hayes
Secretary: Freda Mayhew Montague: President Olive Poole
Vice President: Mary Nicholson
Secretary: Mrs. W. L. Beer Alberton President: Mrs. John Rochford
Vice President: Beth Waugh
Secretary: Mrs. Herb Matthews
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Executive Committee of the PEI Ladies Curling Association was held at the Charlottetown Curling Club during the Provincial Bonspiel on February 24, 1956 with the President Muriel in the chair. Mrs. Olive Poole, President of the Montague Club was asked to sit in at this meeting in the place of Evelyn Cudmore who was unable to attend due to illness. We were sorry that the Alberton delegates were unable to attend or to participate in the games, due to their artificial ice plant not being in operation, all other delegates were present. The committee decided the entry fee for participating in the Bonspiel be raised to a $1.00 per person. A motion by Al Morrison, seconded by Jean MacDonald that we affiliate with the Royal Caledonian Curling Association providing fee is reasonable for our means. Meeting adjourned. Anna Hayes
Vice President: Miss Sally Basler
Secretary: Mrs. H.T. Holman, Jr.
Delegates: Muriel MacArthur, Anna Hayes Charlottetown President: Mrs. W. Worth
Vice President: Mrs. A. Likely
Secretary: Miss Blanche Conway
Delegates: Mrs. Roper, Mrs. Dockendorff, Kay Johnston Montague President:
Vice President:
Delegates: Mrs. James Cudmore, Mrs. Sullivan Alberton President: Mrs. Fred Millman
Vice President: Beth Waugh
Treasure:r Mrs. Albert Clark
Secretary: Mrs. Herb Matthews
Delegates: Mrs. Maurice Perry, Mrs. Nicholson Club Membership 1956 -1957
Summerside 75
Alberton 33
ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the PEI Ladies Curling Association was held at the Summerside Curling Club on Saturday, November 10, 1956 at 2:30pm. President Muriel presided. The minutes of the last Annual and two Executive meetings were read by the Secretary. Correspondence leading to the forming of an Eastern Canada Ladies Curling Association was read. At this time Muriel gave a report on the meeting she attended in Toronto for the purpose of forming an Eastern Canada Ladies Curling Association. As she had not received a copy of the minutes of this meeting, she gave us a very interesting outline of what took place. They drew up a Constitution which provided for an Executive Council composed of two delegates from each province, plus the President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer to be appointed by the President. The only officer elected was Mrs. Watts as President. A motion was past at that meeting that each Province be assessed a per capita fee of 10¢ payable as soon as possible or before January 31, 1957. Ways and Means of raising funds for the Provincial Organization was discussed, and a motion that we assess each club One Dollar per curling member. This money to be raised any way the club sees fit, to be paid by January 31. This motion was moved by Helen Likely, seconded by Olive Poole. President Muriel then asked each club to name their delegates appointed to act on the Executive for the coming year. These were as follows: Charlottetown: Barbara Roper, Marian Dockendorff
Summerside: Muriel MacArthur, Anna Hayes
Montague: Evelyn Cudmore, Mrs. Sullivan
Alberton: Margaret Perry, Mrs. Nicholson Mrs. Wendell Worth graciously thanked the retiring Executive for their past season's work and to the Summerside Club for the hospitality shown all visiting members. Meeting adjourned. Anna Hayes
TORONTO, OCTOBER 25, 1956 On October 25, 1956 it was my pleasure to represent the Ladies Curling Association of PEI at a meeting in Toronto for the purpose of taking a set to bring us closer, we hope, to a Dominion-wide Ladies Curling Association. In place of the copy of the minutes which I had hoped to receive before this meeting I shall endeavor to outline what took place. As most of you know, the four Western provinces are, and have been, for some time organized to form a Western Canada Ladies Curling Association. This group is very fortunate in having a sponsor in the T. Eaton Co. Limited. As you have heard from the correspondence read to you today, they have tried unsuccessfully to bring in the other provinces gradually and so persuade Eatons to sponsor a Dominion Championship. Mrs. W.L. Watt from Port Arthur with the cooperation of other Ontario women curlers called this Toronto meeting which I attended. In her endeavors to promote Dominion games she has attended some of the Western Playdowns, conferred with their group and personally interviewed both the Western and Eastern heads of Eaton's. She is a most enthusiastic worker for Dominion curling and I gather she is not one to give up easily. At this meeting besides Mrs. Watt who represented the Northwestern Ontario Ladies Curling Association were the following: Mrs. Donegan: North Bay, representing Northern Ontario Ladies Curling Association
Mrs. Robinson: Toronto, representing Ladies Ontario Curling Association
Mrs. Amell: Toronto, representing Ladies Ontario Curling Association
Mrs. Woollie: Toronto, representing Ladies Ontario Curling Association
Mrs. Proulx: Quebec City, representing Quebec Ladies Curling Association
Mrs. Cragg: Dalhousie, representing N.B. Ladies Curling Association
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Condie, of MacDonald Tobacco Company was asked to sit in, in an advisory capacity.
Muriel MacArthur: Summerside, representing PEI Ladies Curling Association Mrs. Watt read letters from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia giving her the proxies to endorse any action this meeting might take. The Ontario women chose Mrs. Amell to be their voting delegate, so that made six provinces who were officially represented. Mrs. Donegan from North Bay was a most efficient Chairman and conducted the meeting extremely well. This was at all not easy because there were constant tendencies to deviate from the immediate issues and when she finally left the chair Mr. Condie commended and had to admit he had never attended a better conducted meeting of either men or women. Mrs. Watt read a lengthy report of the events leading up to this meeting of correspondence and interviews. The gist of her report seemed to be that the Western Association has a good thing and they realize it and although they express willingness to come in with us in a Dominion Association they do not want to do so until we have a sponsor. In other words they do not want to leave their present set-up until we can offer something equally as good. And nobody blames them for that. So Mrs. Watt and other Ontario women present at the meeting decided the best procedure was to organize an Eastern Association of the other six provinces. They would have an organization behind them. This was agreed to by all delegates and a constitution was drawn up, patterned off the Western Ladies Curling Association with a few changes. It provides for an Executive Council composed of two delegates from each province, plus the President. A Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer to be appointed by the President. The only officer elected was Mrs. Watt as President who was instructed to interview Eatons for the last time and if they seemed at all doubtful to look for another sponsor either for an Eastern Championship or a Dominion. I believe Simpson-Sears and Shell Oil are possibilities. Finally, in order to pay traveling expenses for Mrs. Watt, stationery, stationary, postage, etc. money is needed - so a motion was passed that each province be assessed a per capita fee of 10¢ payable as soon as possible before January 31, 1957. I thought you might be interested to know how many women curlers there are in Canada so I jotted down a few figures when they were discussing fees and how much was needed to carry on. Quebec: 80 Clubs with approximately 2500 curlers
N.B:. 19 Clubs with approximately 800 curlers
ONT.: 7000 curlers
PEI: 4 clubs with approximately 200 curlers
Western Canada: 14,844 curlers making a total of approximately 26,000 women curlers.
Respectfully Submitted,
Muriel MacArthur
EXECUTIVE DELEGATES MEETING A meeting of the Executive Delegates of the PEI Ladies Curling Association was held at the close of the Annual Meeting on November 10, 1956 at the Summerside Curling Club with Muriel MacArthur in the chair, calling for the election of officers with the following results. President: Barbara M. Roper, Charlottetown
Vice President: Cora Nicholson, Alberton
Secretary-Treasurer: Marion I. Dockendorff, Charlottetown
Games: Anna Hayes, Summerside, Convenor
Kay Johnston, Charlottetown
Margaret Perry, Margaret Sullivan
Publicity - Evelyn Cudmore, Montague The newly elected President then took the chair and thanked the members for their faith in her and asking for their full co-operation throughout the coming year. It was decided that we name two delegates to represent us at the meetings with other representatives of the various provinces regarding the forming of an All Canada Council and leading to a Dominion Bonspiel for ladies. Muriel MacArthur and Barbara M. Roper were chosen with two alternates to be named at a later date after the members had time to think over the matter and if we deemed it necessary. It was decided that we send our dues of 10¢ per member to Mrs. W.L. Watt of Port Arthur, Ontario basing our membership on an approximate 200 until such time as we have the full returns from each club. It was decided to hold our next meeting at the Summerside Curling Club during the Provincial Playdowns in February 1957. On motion the meeting adjourned. Marion I. Dockendorff
THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1956-1957 TO THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LADIES CURLING ASSOCIATION Good Afternoon ladies. It is good to see so many interested members present and especially gratifying to have our four clubs represented. Much talk, letter writing as well as telegrams and telephone conversations have plied their way to and from Executive to Executive in the various provinces. I shall not go into detail about all that was discussed but shall come quickly to the point. We are very disappointed indeed to report that the T. Eaton Company is not going to sponsor our Dominion Bonspiel. From Mrs. Watt, our Dominion President, straight down the line, the feeling prevails that we have been rather badly used. We were assured the only reason that they would not sponsor was that we were not completely organized across Canada. Though it took a great deal of patience, with much labor and diplomacy we are now a united body with everyone waiting and ready to go. This has been a great blow to Mrs. Watt and her workers as so much time has been lost. However, the last word received from her states that there is a sponsor ready to take over. I had hoped to have some good news before this meeting but none has been forthcoming. I can only ask that you continue to have patience and I believe with much effort and thought we shall certainly have our Dominion Bonspiel before long. At the Eastern Canada Association Meeting held in Montreal on April 25, 1957, Mrs. Amell (from Ontario) moved that we should try and secure a sponsor for an Eastern Playoff but Quebec did not want this. It is all or nothing as far as they are concerned. From correspondence and telephone conversations with Mrs. Cragg from New Brunswick it would appear that our views are quite similar in regard to the whole situation. Therefore, we felt she was the logical delegate to ask to be our proxy at the Annual Meeting. I do hope that in future, we shall see our way clear to have a representative at these annual meetings. Things are so much better understood when heard from word of mouth. It has been suggested that we might appoint one delegate from our three or four provinces thereby saving a great deal of expense. This is a matter which should be left to the decision of our incoming Executive. Once again we extend our congratulations to the 1957 Provincial Champions, this was a popular win as the Montague ladies have proven themselves good sports and keen curlers. For sometime we in Prince Edward Island have thought that a Bonspiel put on in the Maritimes would be fun as well as a certain satisfaction for our Provincial Winners. It must be rather frustrating to win here and abruptly stop. The New Brunswick ladies are in accord but it seems difficult to find anything from Nova Scotia. I might say that in a letter from Mrs. Cragg we were invited to meet representatives to the three provinces. The tentative date was set for October 1st, the night previous to New Brunswick's Annual Meeting. Mrs. Cragg was to let us know definitely if Nova Scotia would attend. That was the last we heard so concluded they wished that the new executive to meet rather than the outgoing one which no doubt is a good idea. Respectfully submitted, Barbara M. Roper
Laura Crockett Montague: Beth MacGowan
Mary Nicholson Alberton: Vera MacKay
Jeannette Bennett
Mrs. Noonan Charlottetown: Barbara Roper
Marion Dockendorff The meeting went on record as being in favor of the 10 end games per day for the Provincial Playdowns with three 10 - 3rd games on the final day if necessary and at the decision of the teams concerned. On motion of Evelyn Cudmore, seconded by Doris MacDonald it was agreed to hold the draw prior to the playdowns and have the same published in the press. The meeting also went on to record as being in favor of a Maritime Playdown. Meeting adjourned. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Hostess Club. Marion I. Dockendorff
Mrs. H. Kirk
Secretary-Treasurer Dear Mrs. Kirk, The Annual Meeting of the PEI Ladies Curling Association was held in the club rooms of the Charlottetown Curling Club on October 26th, 1957. The delegates from the different clubs are as follows: Summerside: Helen MacKay, Laura Crockett
Montague: Beth MacGowan, Mary Nicholson
Alberton: Vera MacKay, Jeanette Bennett, Eva Noonan
Charlottetown: Barbara Roper, Marion Dockendorff A meeting of the Executive delegates was held at the close of the Annual Meeting to select the officers for the coming year. The results being as follows: President: Mrs. Graham Bennett, Alberton
Vice President: Mrs. Claude Nicholson, Montague
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Elmer MacKay, Alberton
Games: Mrs. Douglas MacGowan, Montague, Chairman
Al Morrison, Summerside
Doris MacDonald, Charlottetown
Beth Waugh, Alberton
Publicity: Evelyn Cudmore, Montague Please accept my apologies for the delay in forwarding this information to you but the books were lost in the mail and were finally recovered and handed to me last week. Yours very truly,
Vera MacKay
MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE DELEGATES A meeting of the Executive Delegates was held at the close of the Annual Meeting on October 26th, 1957 to select the officers for the coming year. The results being as follows: President: Mrs. Bennett, Alberton
Vice President: Mrs. Claude Nicholson, Montague
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Elmore MacKay, Alberton
Games: Mrs. Douglas MacGowan, Montague, Chairman
Al Morrison, Summerside
Doris MacDonald, Charlottetown
Beth Waugh, Alberton
Publicity Evelyn Cudmore It was decided to meet during the Provincial Playdowns at Montague during the last week of February 1958. On Motion the meeting was adjourned. Marion I. Dockendorff
Acting Secretary
THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1957 -1958 TO THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LADIES CURLING ASSOCIATION It is indeed a great pleasure for me to welcome so many members of the Curling Association to this our third Annual Meeting. As you know the Annual meeting of the E.C.L.C.A. was held in Dalhousie in April of this year. We were indeed fortunate in having as our representatives there our immediate Past President Mrs. Barbara Roper and Mrs. Anna Hayes. The question of a Liquor or Brewing Company as sponsors was introduced. After much discussion, it was decided that each Provincial Club contact its members individually to determine their attitude regarding such a sponsorship. I regret that I am not able to give you further particulars as I am not fully conversant with this matter. I feel quite sure that Mrs. Roper will be good enough to enlighten us. Again we extend our sincere congratulations to the winners of the Crockett Trophy, the Charlottetown team. I should like to say I was much impressed by the keenness and spirit of friendliness that prevailed throughout the games during the season.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janette Bennett
President Alberton
March 6th, 1958
CLUB OFFICERS 1957 -1958 Summerside President: Sally Basler
Vice President: Mrs. Harry Holman
Secretary: Mrs. Dave Miller
Treasurer: Mrs. Harold ???
Delegates: Helen MacKay, Laura Crockett
Charlottetown President:
Vice President:
Treasurer: Mrs. Marjorie B. Stewart
Delegates: Barbara Roper, Mary Nicholson
Montague President: Evelyn Cudmore
Vice-President: Beth MacGowan
Secretary: Lillian MacDonald
Corresponding Sec.: Margaret Sullivan
Delegates: Beth MacGowan, Mary Nicholson
Alberton President: Margaret Perry
Vice President: Alice Seaman
Secretary: Bertha Matthews
Treasurer: Vera MacKay
Delegates: Jeannette Bennett, Eva Noonan, Vera MacKay Club Membership 1957-1958 Charlottetown 120
Summerside 75
Montague 22
Alberton 31
Total 248
Vice President: Evelyn Cudmore, Montague
Secretary-Treasurer: Irene Silliphant, Summerside The Provincial Playoffs are to be held in Charlottetown in February, 1959 and the following were appointed to the Games Committee. Chairman: Elizabeth MacDonald
Lou Turner, Alberton
Mary Nicholson, Montague
Al Morrison, Summerside It was moved and seconded that Barbara Roper be appointed to act as Provincial Delegate and Secretary for the E.C.L.C.A. for the next two years. It was decided that any expenses incurred by the delegates of the Eastern Canadian Ladies Curling Association in the performance of their duties be paid out of funds of the Provincial Association. The meeting then adjourned. Irene Silliphant
Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Association
THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1958 -1959 TO THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PEI LADIES CURLING ASSOCIATION Fellow Curlers: I am very pleased to see so many members present to hear officially that we have a Dominion sponsor for Lady Curlers which has been our goal since we formed our Provincial Ladies Curling Association. Our playdown is to be called the "Dominion Diamond D" sponsored by Dominion Stores Limited. Further information on this playdown will be given in Mrs. Roper's report. We have had a very generous sponsor in the person of Mr. C.E. Crockett, the donor of our Crockett Trophy and Winner pins; to Mr. Crockett our grateful thanks for his interest in our curling. We also extend our "Sincere Thanks" to R.T. Holman Ltd. our runner-up prize donors. Respectfully submitted,
Anna Hayes
REPORT OF THE 1959 PROVINCIAL CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP The 1959 Provincial Ladies Curling Championship was played at the Charlottetown Curling Club the last week in February with seven teams participating. The official opening took place on the ice at 2:00 p.m. on the first day of play under the chairmanship of Mrs. J.G. Hayes the Provincial President. The program consisted of brief remarks by Hon. A.W. Matheson, Premier of Prince Edward Island, Mayor E.C. Johnstone of Charlottetown, Mayor Bruce Yeo of Montague, Dr. W.L. MacDonald, President of the Men's Provincial Curling Association and Miss Bessie Prowse, Lady President of the Charlottetown Curling Club. The players were then piped around the ice by Piper Bruce MacLaren. Immediately following the program, the guests, provincial delegates and interested friends were served refreshments in the Ladies rooms. As a result of six rounds of play the team consisting of Miss Mary MacLennan, Skip; Mrs. Myron Bell, Vice Skip; Miss Marion MacDonald, 2nd Stone and Mrs. Andy Humpfrey, Lead emerged victorious. The Runner-up team was from the Alberton Curling Club skipped by Mrs. Margaret Perry. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Noonan and Mrs. Seaman were the other team members. The winners were presented with the Crockett Trophy and individual prizes by Mrs. Carl Crockett of Summerside and the Runner-up rink with prizes donated by R.T. Holman Limited and presented by Mrs. Harry Holman. Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth MacDonald
EXECUTIVE MEETING A meeting of the Executive of the Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Association was held in the Charlottetown Curling Club on Tuesday, February 24, 1959. Present from the Summerside Club were Anna Hayes, President, Irene Silliphant, Secretary-Treasurer and Velda Holman who substituted as delegate for Al Morrison. Elizabeth MacDonald and Kay Johnston represented the Charlottetown Club, Isabel Clark and Alice Seaman the Alberton Club and Mary Nicholson and Evelyn Cudmore were the delegates from the Montague club. The President asked for the minutes of the last Executive meeting which were read and approved. On February 25th the Meeting of the Executive reconvened. The same delegates were present as at the previous meeting. Elizabeth MacDonald read an excerpt from a letter from the New Brunswick Ladies Curling Association stating that the N.B.L.C.A. was in favor of the formation of a C.L.C.A. believing such an Association is necessary to obtain a National Sponsor. Ev Cudmore moved that we go along with the above resolution and Barbara Roper present it at the North Bay Meeting. This was seconded by Alice Seaman. It was also moved and seconded that Barbara Roper be given a Proxy to vote twice on our behalf at the North Bay meeting as each province is entitled to two votes. The matter of the Provincial Playoffs was again brought up and a discussion took place regarding the manner in which these should be run. It was suggested that in the event that any club was unable to send two teams the Hostess Club should in that case be able to provide another team. It was objected to by some who felt that the smaller clubs would be at a disadvantage. Another suggestion was that it should be possible for any club to enter as many teams as they desired. This was also objected to for the same reason. Nothing being gained by further discussion the matter was left in abeyance for the Annual Meeting. It was also suggested that the dates of the playoffs be changed so as not to conflict with the Canadian Legion Playoffs and it was recommended that if such a change were considered advisable the by-laws be changed accordingly. The meeting then adjourned. Irene Silliphant
PEI Ladies Curling Association
Summerside: Blanche Hogg, C. MacDonald
Alberton: Margaret Perry
Montague: F. Cudmore, Margaret Silliphant
Christine MacDonald extended a vote of thanks to the Charlottetown Club for their hospitality. Sybil MacMillan also extended a vote of thanks to the Retiring Officers. The meeting adjourned. Irene Silliphant
Secretary-Treasurer Charlottetown, PEI
October 31, 1959 A meeting of the delegates to the Prince Edward Island Ladies Curling Association was held following the Annual Meeting with all delegates represented, with the exemption of the Alberton club. Retiring President Anna Hayes called the meeting to order and asked Marion Dockendorff, Proxy for Elizabeth MacDonald, to act as Secretary for the meeting. She then asked that a President be named. It was moved by Marion Dockendorff and seconded by Barbara Roper that Kay Johnston act in this capacity. The meeting was then turned over to the new President and the following additional Executive members were named. Vice President: Mrs. Eva Noonan
Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth MacDonald
Games: Blanche Hogg, Chairman
Miss Marie Gaudet
Margaret Sullivan
Elizabeth MacDonald
Publicity: Christine MacDonald It was decided on the motion of Miss Christine MacDonald, seconded by Evelyn Cudmore that printed stationery be purchased and that the President, Secretary-Treasurer and Delegate Barbara Roper be empowered to purchase same. President Kay voiced her appreciation and the appreciation of the Executive to Barbara Roper and Laura Crockett for the wonderful news which they had brought to the Annual Meeting and all the work and time they spent on our behalf to bring us the news of a National Sponsor.
On motion the meeting adjourned. Marion I. Dockendorff
Secretary Pro tem
EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE P.E.I.L.C.A. An Executive Meeting of the P.E.I.L.C.A. was held in the Charlottetown Curling Club December 8, 1959 with a full representation from all clubs present.
Mrs. Johnston presided. The minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Executive meetings were read and approved. Our President announced that the Evening Patriot was interested in presenting a trophy for Ladies Curling in PEI. Mr. Farrel, the Circulation Manager of the Evening Patriot was then introduced to the meeting and briefly outlined the plans for the play 1) That the play rotate among the different island clubs with the Bonspiel this year taking place in Charlottetown. 2) That the play be on a provincial basis. 3) That the paper would give individual prizes to the winning team and a crest to every competitor.
The details were to be settled by the Provincial Executive. Mr. Farrel expressed a wish that as much interest as possible be aroused and that the bonspiel be as large as could be accommodated in each rink for a one day's play. It was decided by the Executive that the number of teams from each club allowed to play in the bonspiel be decided on the basis of membership which is the following for this year:
1) Charlottetown 8 teams, Summerside 4 teams, Montague 2 teams and Alberton 2 teams. 2) That this year there would be two 8 end games and two 6 end games. 3) That the bonspiel each year have the maximum number of games that can be accommodated at the rink in which play is to take place. 4) That the Games Chairman be notified the number of teams each club is entering one week prior to the date of play. 5) That February 2nd be the date of play this year. It was moved by Ev Cudmore and seconded by Miss C. MacDonald that if one or more clubs did not plan to send their allotted number of teams that this number be made up from other clubs. Carried. It was moved by Barbara Roper and seconded by Miss C. MacDonald that $20.00 be spent by the Provincial Association on runner-up and consolation prizes. Carried.
After discussion on the day's play it was moved by Mrs. Margaret Perry and seconded by Evelyn Cudmore that the Crockett Trophy be presented to the winning team without publicity and with the consent of Mr. Carl Crockett. Carried. Discussion regarding the date of Diamond Playoffs then took place and it was decided that the last week of February or the first week of March would be suitable if they did not conflict provincial playoffs. It was moved by Elizabeth MacDonald and seconded by Barbara Roper that flowers to the value of $5.00 be sent to the late Mrs. Crockett-Carr. Discussion regarding the crest for provincial winners resulted in leaving this matter in the capable hands of the President. Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth MacDonald
EXECUTIVE MEETING An Executive meeting of the PEI Ladies Curling Association was held at the Linkletter Motel, Summerside in February with a full attendance of delegates. After viewing the proposed crest for the Silver D team Blanche Hogg moved and Eva Noonan seconded it that four be purchased. Carried. Mrs. Roper reported that Mr. Murphy of Dominion Stores had offered a basket of groceries for each club to lottery to help defray the expenses for the winning team. After receiving legal advice on the subject Mr. Murphy's offer was regretfully declined. As a result of a lengthy discussion regarding the prizes, allotment of grant of the Dominion Stores and the ways and means of assisting the Silver D team, the following motions were passed. 1. Moved by Barbara Roper and seconded by Evelyn Cudmore that the Provincial Association pay for the Banquet, prizes if necessary, and that the $300.00 grant be divided among the participating teams. The Summerside and R.C.A.F. representatives generously declined the allotments for their teams due to the fact that their expenses were practically nil. 2. Moved by Blanche Hogg and seconded by Miss C. MacDonald that each club stage a project to provide necessary support for the winning team to go to Oshawa. 3. Moved by Evelyn Cudmore and seconded by Margaret Perry that referees be suitably remembered. 4. Moved by Blanche Hogg and seconded by Margaret Perry that the Island Tartan slacks or skirts and blending tops be worn by the winning team this year. An amendment to the motion moved by May Smith and seconded by Margaret Perry that the team be given a choice of tartan if they had a particular reason was defeated. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth MacDonald