History Clubs
Charlottetown (Men)
Timeline - click to advance to year:
1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919
1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929
1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938
1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949
1950 1951 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
1966 1967 1969 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978
The recording of the history of the Charlottetown Curling Club is part of a project initiated by Jerry Muzika through the PEI Curling Association with the view to preserving the curling heritage of Prince Edward Island. Minutes from the associations and some of the curling clubs have been reviewed and excerpts taken and compiled chronologically. Some anecdotal accounts have also been included for their historical interest.
Thank you - to all who have cooperated and participated in this project. Especially to Debbie Carragher and Janet Doiron at Sport PEI, and Kaye MacFadyen and all those who located minutes and entrusted them to me as I carried out my review. Any errors and/or omissions are unintentional and corrections should be passed on to me at this web site. - Jerry Muzika
The history of the Charlottetown Curling Club begins in 1887. Following are excerpts from minutes from 1889 to 1891; and 1913 to 1978. No minutes were found for the period 1892 to 1912. As well, there are no minutes for 1939, 1954, 1960, 1961 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1972.
Charlottetown February 3, 1887
At a meeting called for this evening at the Rankin Home for the purpose of forming a Curling Club there were present: George MacLeod, Geo. R. Beer, Alex McKinnon, John Daner and A.A. Bartlett.
Geo. R. Beer having been chosen Chairman the following officers were elected:
Patron - Lt. Governor A.A. MacDonald
President - George MacLeod
Vice President - John Daner
Chaplain - Rev. J. Carruthers
Secretary - Treasurer - A.A. Bartlett
Committee of Management - Geo. R. Beer, A McKinnon, W.A. Weeks Jr.
On motion it was resolved that the club should be called "The Charlottetown Curling Club".
It was also resolved that the subscription fee for the year be Five dollars and that no member should be allowed to play until his subscription has been paid.
Meeting Adjourned.
A.A. Bartlett
A Special Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at the Board of Trade Room, MacEachern Room this afternoon at 4 o'clock the President in the Chair.
Moved by W.W. Weeks Jr., seconded by A.A. Bartlett.
"That the surplus now in the club be used towards this year's annual subscription of present members who have paid last year's subscription.
Moved on amendment by F.H. Beer, seconded by F.L. Hazard.
"That the money now on hand be refunded pro rata to the parties who had paid their subscription." Amendment carried.
Moved by F.L. Hazard, seconded by Dr. Beer.
" That the club accept W.W. C. MacGregor's offer of the Excelsior Rink for four years with the privilege of terminating at the end of any year.
Moved by F.L. Hazard, seconded by F.H. Beer.
" That Geo. MacLeod, J.J. Daner and Rev. J. Carruthers be appointed a Committee to draft, rules and regulations for governing this club and that they submit the same as an adjourned meeting of the club to be held in this same room one fortnight from this day at 4pm."
A.A. Bartlett resigned as Secretary - Treasurer of the club. W.A. Weeks Jr. was unanimously elected to the position on motion of G.R. Beer.
A.A. Bartlett
Charlottetown, December 5, 1887
The adjourned meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held this afternoon in the Board of Trade room at 4pm.
The President in the Chair.
There were present: The President, Secretary and Messers. Geo. R. Beer, T. Hazard, D.B. Stewart, W.W. Beer, T.C. James, F.L. Hazard, F.H. Beer, J.A. Longworth, Percy Pope, H.C. MacDonald.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
The following contract with the Excelsor Skating Rink was agreed to and the President and the Secretary were authorized to execute the same.
A Memorandum of Agreement was made and entered into this ______ day of December A.D. 1887 between Cyrus W. MacGregor and George Muttart, proprietors of the Excelsor Skating Rink in Charlottetown of the one part and George MacLeod and William A. Weeks President and Secretary of the Charlottetown Curling Club respectively of the other part. Witnesseth that the said parties hereto do hereby mutually promise, covenant and agree to and with each other in manner and form following that it to say:
"That the said Cyrus W. MacGregor and George Muttart will rent the said Excelsor Skating Rink to the said George MacLeod and William A. Weeks for the use of the said club for the terms of four seasons at the rate of One Hundred and Twenty-Five dollars per season. The club during each season to have the exclusive use of said rink for three afternoons and three evenings in each week namely on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon and Monday, Thursday and Saturday evenings or such other afternoons as may be mutually agreed upon. Hours of the afternoon to be from three pm to six pm and the evenings from seven-thirty pm to ten-thirty pm.
The rink floor as now used for skating to be well and sufficiently covered with level smooth ice adapted for the purpose of curling frost permitting. MacGregor and Muttart to provide a room in said rink of sufficient size for the safe custody of the property of the said club (lighted). Also a cloak room heated and lighted.
The rink to be well and sufficiently lighted to the satisfaction of the club and a janitor to be in attendance at all times during said club hours.
MacLeod and Weeks to pay said MacGregor and Muttart the said sum of One Hundred and Twenty Five dollars per season for the use of said rink for each season actually used by said club payable at the close of the season.
The season to commence in each year as soon as the weather and frost permits and to continue until such time as the club considers the ice unfit for curling by reason of the weather.
The said MacLeod and Weeks shall have the privilege of terminating this agreement at any time after the close of any season by serving a notice in writing on the said MacGregor and Muttart or either of them ( the mailing of such notice through the city post office to them or either of their addresses sufficiently stamped to be ????? good service, signed by the said MacLeod and Weeks to the effect that the said club no longer desires the use of the said rink such notice to be served on said MacGregor and Muttart or either of them on or before the 1st day of December following said season. Should the rink be destroyed by fire become by some unavoidable accident unfit for carrying out this agreement then the same to become null and void.
The Rev. J. Carruthers then read the Report of the Committee on By-Laws. The following by-laws were then submitted and adopted by the club.
This club shall be called the Charlottetown Curling Club.
Its object shall be to promote the game of curling.
The members shall consist of Honourary and Regular Members.
(a) An Honourary member may be elected at an Annual Meeting on a two-third vote of those present at said meeting.
The qualifications for Honourary Members shall be that he is such as the club may deem fitting and he shall have all the rights and privileges of the club on the rink. He may or may not be a resident of Charlottetown. The number of Honourary Members shall not exceed two.
(How Elected)
(b) Election of new members shall be by ballot at the regular annual meeting of the club. Three black beans to reject a candidate. Candidates' names to be posted on the notice board of the club by the Secretary along with the name of his proposer and seconder one week prior to balloting.
The Annual Meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each November at such an hour as may be decided upon by the Executive Committee.
At the Annual Meeting the club shall elect their office bearers for the year ensuing, who shall come into office immediately upon their election and continue in office until their successors are appointed.
Patron, President, Vice President, Chaplain and Secretary-Treasurer.
At the same meeting shall be appointed a Standing Committee who with office bearers shall constitute an Executive.
Five of said Executive shall be a quorum. The duties of the office bearers shall be such as belongs to their several offices.
Any business belonging to the club may by transacted at said Annual Meeting. Twelve members shall constitute a quorum and voting in all elections shall be by ballot.
The President or the Executive may call a meeting at any time and shall be compelled to call a meeting on the written request of eight members of the club at such meeting the only business to be transacted to be that dated in the requisition.
The fees payable by members shall be fixed by the executive from year to year. No members shall be allowed to play until his annual subscription has been paid.
No new law shall be enacted or no law shall be altered or repealed unless by a vote of majority of the members of the club and after a weeks notice has been given to the President setting forth said change.
At the Annual Meeting there shall be elected skips who shall be the skips to play in any foreign match in which the club may engage.
These skips shall have the privilege of choosing their own mates and unless otherwise arranged the match rinks shall be drawn up of names to be drawn by each skip in turn.
Skips practicing for foreign matches to have privilege of the ice. Otherwise the ice belongs to the club as may be mutually agreed on excluding any circumstances except in matches arranged by the Executive. There shall always remain one rink free at all times whether skips are practicing or not.
The Executive shall have the power to arrange home or club matches with the skips or players in each. Notice of such matches shall be posted in the rink two days previous to the same being played.
The club shall purchase a medal to be played for annually by rinks chosen by ballot from all the members of the club. The order of play to be arranged yearly by regular rotation. The skip of one year leading the next year. Mates skipping the second year and so on until all have skipped in the team.
The winning rink shall play at points for the medal and it shall be held by the winner until played for the following year.
Each member of the club as he enters the rink shall write his name on a black board for that purpose and players shall have procedure in order of name upon the board.
Play on the rink on afternoons shall be terminated at five o'clock and the evening rink at nine o'clock.
Provided there are members present desirous of playing where a new rink must be formed preference being given to such members and in event their not being sufficient to form a rink those previously playing in the order upon the board shall have the preference of continuing in the new rink. This rule shall not apply to matches arranged by the club.
The membership fee was on motion fixed at $5.00.
The following officers were balloted for and elected.
Patron - Andrew A. MacDonald Lt. Governor
President - George McLeod
Vice President - J.J. Davies
Chaplain - Rev. James Carruthers
Secretary - Treasurer - William A. Weeks
Committee - F. L. Hazard, ???????, J.A. Longworth, F.H. Beer, George R. Beer, R.R. Fitzgerald.
Meeting adjourned.
William A. Weeks
Secretary - Treasurer
November 12th, 1888
The regular Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held this evening.
Present: J.J. Davies, Vice President??????, Dr. Beer, F.L. Haszard, F. Carter, J.A. Longworth, D.B. Stewart, F.H. Beer, ?????, D. Warburton, A.A. Bartlett, W.W. Beer and the Secretary.
The following officers were balloted for and elected:
(Re-elected) Patron - Hon. A. MacDonald Lt. Governor
President - Lt. Colonel Irving
Vice President - J.J. Davies
Chaplain - Rev. James Carruthers
Secretary - Treasurer - William A. Weeks
Committee - R.R. Fitzgerald, F.L. Haszard, T.C. Javies, J.A. Longworth, F.H. Beer, D. Warburton.
The Ice Management Committee were empowered to confer with the Hillsborough Skating Rink Company to make the best bargain possible. That the membership fee be $5.00.
Meeting adjourned. William A.Weeks
Secretary - Treasurer
Hillsborough Rink
Tuesday, February 5th, 1889
A General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club having been called by the President for this evening.
There were present: Patron - Hon. A A. MacDonald Lt. Governor, President - Lt. Col. Irving, Vice President J.J. Davies Esq., Mr. Wm. Brehaut, Hon. H. Haszard, F.H. Beer, D.B. Stewart, D. Beer, H.C . MacDonald, J.A. Longworth, H.V. Palmer, Alex MacKinnon, A.A. Bartlett. W.A. Weeks.
A letter was read from the New Caledonia Club of Pictou in answer to the invitation from our club to come to Charlottetown to play a friendly game. The letter was on motion received. It was on motion to appoint skips who would be empowered to select their own rinks to meet the Pictou Rink.
A ballot was taken and the following skips appointed with order of ??????
J.J. Davies (2), Rev. Jas Carruthers (3) Rev. J. Weston-Jones (4) F.H. Beer.
Meeting adjourned.
William A. Weeks
Law Library Rooms
Monday, November 11th, 1889
The third Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held this evening in the Law Library Rooms.
Present: Hon. A. MacDonald Lt. Governor, Lt. Colonel Irving, J.J. Davies, Rev.S. Weston - Jones, W.A. Morson, G.B. MacNeill, Rev. James Carruthers, F.H. Beer, D.B. Stewart, J.A. Longworth, H. Haszard, H.V. Palmer, Wm. Brehaut, T.C. James, W.A. Weeks.
The following officers were balloted for and elected:
Patron - The Hon. Justice Young
President - A.A. MacDonald
Vice President - Lt. Colonel Irving
Chaplain - Rev. S. Weston - Jones
Secretary - Treasurer - H.V. Palmers
Executive Committee - P. Pope, F.L. Hazard, T.C. James, J.A. Longworth, F.H. Beer and D. Warburton.
This Annual Meeting to be adjourned til this night week to be held at the same place.
William A. Weeks
Monday, November 28th, 1889
The adjourned Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club met this evening in the Law Library.
Present: Hon. A.A. MacDonald, Percy Pope, Horace Haszard, I.I. Dairies, L.E. Brecken, W.A. Weeks, Herbert Beer, D.C. Chalmers, T.C. James, D.B. Stewart and E.L.Hazard and Rev. James Carruthers (by their proxies).
The President in the Chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
The Committee appointed at the last meeting to obtain estimates for the new curling rink reported that the building of a rink this season was impractical owing to the lateness of season.
A letter from Mr. Hazard President of the Citizens Skating Rink ???????? read the ????? terms on which the company will let ????? rink for the season.
Moved and seconded that the Executive Committee have power to make what terms they can with the Skating Rink Company provided that not more than $130.00 be paid for the same. Carried.
Moved, seconded and carried that the annual subscription fee be the same as last year being $5.00.
Meeting adjourned.
D.B. Stewart
November 17th, 1890
The Annual General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held this evening in the Law Library.
The President in the Chair.
Minutes of the last two meetings were read and adopted.. The accounts for the past year showing a balance on hand of $3.12 were passed.
The following new members were then proposed and duly elected: Dr. Harry Johnstone, Angus A. McLean, John T. Crockett, J.D. Seaman, Eustace Hairland, Mr. Tidmarsh, Mr. McRae, John A. Nicholson and Professor Shuttleworth.
The following officers were then balloted for and elected:
President - Colonel Irving
Vice President - Joseph Unsworth
Executive Committee - T.C. James, G.H. Beer, J.A. Longworth, A.A. MacDonald and R.C. MacDonald
Secretary - Treasurer - D.B. Stewart
Meeting adjourned.
D.B. Stewart
December 14, 1891
The Annual General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club held this evening in the Law Library.
Members Present: Hon. A.A. MacDonald, Colonel Irving, Messrs. Percy Pope, W.W. Beer, J.J. Davies, L.E. Brecken, H.V. Palmer, J.A. Longworth, F.H. Beer, W.A. Weeks, Horace Beer, and the Secretary.
President in the Chair.
Minutes of the last Annual Meeting read and adopted.
Accounts showing a deficit of $7.48 were tabled.
The following officers were balloted for and duly elected.
Patron - Judge Young
President - Colonel Irving
Vice President - Joseph Unsworth
Executive Committee - F.H. Beer, Percy Pope, J.A. Longworth, W.A. Weeks, L.E. Brecken
Secretary-Treasurer - D.B. Stewart
Chaplain - Rev. James Carruthers
The following members were balloted for and elected:
Sydney Gray, Ewen Stewart, James Paton, Ewen MacDonald, J. MacLaren, E. Ings, Professor MacLeod, Professor Harcourt, Mr. McLean Davison.
The President and Mr. Percy Pope were appointed a Committee to enlist new members and arrange for rent of the rink.
D.B. Stewart
Secretary - Treasurer
Charlottetown January 27th , 1913
The minutes of the Charlottetown Curling Club.
A meeting was called on January 27th, 1913 for those interested in curling. Mr. Jas Paton was elected Chairman, C.L. Grant was Secretary.
After some discussion it was moved and seconded to appoint the following Committee to see what arrangements could be made for the rink.
Committee: Dr. J.F. Fullerton, D.B. Stewart, Colonel H.M. Davison, E.R. Brow, W.S. Grant, Sidney Gray and C.L. Grant.
It was also moved and seconded to open a membership list at once. The meeting adjourned to be called again for the report of the Committee.
The next meeting was called February 13th when the Committee reported that they had made arrangements for a sheet of ice in the field of Mr. John Saunders??. The use of the field having been given gratis for the season. A caretaker had been engaged, and Mr. W.S. Grant had arranged with J.M. Coleman of the L& P Company for lighting granted the use of one side of his Coach House for the shoning? of the brooms and stones.
It was then moved by C.L. Grant and seconded by Councillor Wright that we organize the Charlottetown Curling Club and elect our officers. This was done. The election resulted as follows:
President, Mr. Jas Paton, Colonel H.M. Davison, E.R. Brow, W.S. Grant, Major Leigh, G.J. Wright, D.B. Stewart and C.L. Grant as the Executive Committee.
It was also moved and seconded and carried that the subscription this year be placed at $2.00 and that the Secretary be allowed 10% for collecting same. The caretaker's wages would be $1.25 per day. It was also moved, seconded and carried that Mr. H.H. Aitken and Mr. Saunders be placed on the books as members without payment of the subscription for this year and that the Secretary notify them accordingly.
The meeting adjourned with the understanding that the Executive Committee would get places and estimates of the Rink for next year and submit this to a meeting of the club as soon as possible.
C.L. Grant
Charlottetown, PEI
October 31, 1913
The minutes of the Special Meeting of the prospective members of the Charlottetown Curling Club on October 31, 1913.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Treasurer's Statement was read as follows:
To Membership Fees For Year $60.00
By Expenditure -58.00
Leaving a balance of $1.79
Moved and seconded that the Duffy property on Grafton Street be ????????sidewalk. Carried.
The financing for this property was then discussed and it was moved that $4,000.00 in 6% bonds be issued to cover the capitalization. A paper was then passed around for those who wished to subscribe for one or more of these bonds resulting in a total subscription of $1,200.00
The numbering of bonds and drawing for same at time of redemption was then discussed.
It was moved and seconded that a Trustee be appointed to look after the interests of the bond-holders and the Dominion Trust Company. Carried
It was moved and seconded that a Committee be appointed to secure a Deed of Trust. Carried.
After some discussion it was moved and seconded that a Committee be appointed to make by-laws and that this Committee be the Executive.
It was then announced that the Annual Meeting should take place early in December and the meeting was then adjourned.
Sidney Grey, Secretary
Charlottetown Curling Club
City Court Room
November 24, 1913
A Special Meeting called for the purpose of considering tenders for building the new Curling Rink.
The President then submitted an estimate of the current expenditure for the season of 1913 and 1914 which amounted to $700.00.
Moved by Colonel H.M. Davison and seconded by E.R. Brow that the fee for this season be the sum of ten dollars. Carried.
Moved and seconded that the fee for non-playing members be the sum of $3.00. Carried.
Sidney Grey
Charlottetown Curling Club
City Court Room
November 28, 1913
The adjourned Special Meeting of November 24th, 1913.
The Committee appointed reported that they had succeeded in obtaining 88 Ten Dollar and 8 Three Dollar members.
Mr. Chappell was invited to advise the meeting regarding the new Curling Rink.
Moved by Dr.Cliff Beer and seconded by S.A. McLeod that the Executive be empowered to go ahead with the construction of the building in such a manner as may seem best to themselves following plans as provided as nearly as possible. Carried by standing ovation.
The matter of bonds was taken up. It was suggested that the bonds be turned into shares of Fifty dollars each. After some discussion no action was taken.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Sidney Grey, Secretary
Charlottetown Curling Club
Office of Mr. C.L. Grant
December 1st, 1913
Meeting of the Executive. The President Mr. Jas Paton presiding. The following gentlemen were present: Colonel H.M. Davison, W. Grant, C.L. Grant, D.B. Stewart, E.R. Brow and Major Leigh.
Tenders received from H. & J. Lowe $3,955.00
Parkman & Son $3,700.00
Colonel Davison reported that they had closed with Parkman and Son to build the new Curling Rink on Grafton Street to be completed weather permitting by January ???? for the sum of Three Thousand and Seven Hundred Dollars ($3,700.00). Action confirmed.
Meeting adjourned.
Sidney Grey
Charlottetown Curling Club
Office of Mr. E.R. Brow
January 12th, 1914
The Meeting of the Executive. The President in the Chair.
Mr. Jas Tierney was appointed Janitor for the sum of one month at $1.25 per day.
Moved by E.R. Brow and seconded and seconded by G. J. Wright that Mr. Alex McKenzie of Truro, N.S. be requested to come over at once and take charge of making the new ice in the Curling Rink. Carried.
Mr. R. Robertson informed the meeting that Mr. G.F. Wallace of Pictou had kindly presented the Charlottetown Curling Club with a handsome picture of the Scotch Curlers while on their visit to Canada in 1907.
No further business offering, the meeting adjourned.
Sidney Grey, Secretary
Charlottetown Curling Club
City Court Room
April 24, 1914
The first Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at 8 o'clock.. The President Mr. Jas Paton presiding.
The following gentlemen were present: 1st Vice President Dr. T. F. Fullerton, 2nd Vice President Mr. T.C. James, Colonel H.M. Davison, D.B. Stewart, Major Leigh, F.H. Beer, G.O. Wright, E.F. Bell, Captain Taylor, C.E. Morris, R. Robertson, Dr. Cliff Beer, J.A. Lawson, J.J. Hornby, Thos May, T.B. Woodman, R.B. Holman, A.E. Morrison and W.K. Rogers.
Minutes of the first General Meeting of January 27th 1913 were read and confirmed.
The Secretary-Treasurer submitted members at $10.00 and 33 at $3.00 making a total of $973.00 balance on hand first of the year - $5.79 made $978.79
The expenditure -504.78
Leaving a Balance of $ 474.01
Of which $300.00 had been placed on deposit with the Dominion Trust Company.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee presented his report giving particulars of purchase of property and contract made with Parkman & Son for the erection of the Curling Rink. After dealing with several matters the Committee looks forward to the next season with a great deal of encouragement.
The Finance Committee then presented their report as follows:
Purchase of land from Duffy $1,000.00
Parkman's Contract 3,700.00
Architect 148.00
C. Gavin - Duffy Lawyer 12.37
Currie & Murnaghan 32.91
Collecting Bonds (2% 3825.00) 76.50
City Water Connection 13.75
Leigh & Fitzgerald 86.55
By Account of Bonds Paid $3,825.00
J.T. McKenzie's Note 50.00
C.B. Chappell Bond 50.00
S. Grey 50.00
Balance 1,095.00
$5,070.08 $5,070.08
Trust Company $24.70 - T.C. James
(a) W.R. Rogers
On motion the report was received and ordered to be placed on the minutes.
Dr. Fullerton submitted a set of by-laws
1 - passed
2 - passed
3 - passed
4 - passed Visitors 7 days
For Ordinary, Associate & Temporary dues passed. Temporary members $3.00 per month. Section 2 of dues passed.
Annual Meetings Passed
General Passed
Special Passed
Members Expelled Passed
Act. 5 Officers Passed
Mode of Election Passed
Absence Passed
Presiding Officer Passed
Secretary Passed
Treasurer Passed
Act. 6 Committee Passed
Committee of Skips Passed
President Appointed Audit Comm. Passed
On Ice Section 1 Passed
Hours for Selecting
Rinks and Skips - Monday and Wednesday
Tuesdays & Fridays
For Skips Passed
Thursday and Saturdays Free Days Passed
Re: Foreign Matches Passed
President & Vice President Matches Passed
Moved by Dr. Fullerton and seconded by Mr. Pope that the report of the by-laws be adopted and printed and handed to the members. Carried. Moved by Dr. T.F. Fullerton and seconded by Colonel H.M. Davison that the Charlottetown Curling Club be incorporated by "Letters Patent". Carried.
The above to be referred to the Executive Committee.
Election of Officers
President - Mr. Jas Paton
1st Vice President - Dr. T.F. Fullerton
2nd Vice President - Mr. T.C. James
Treasurer - Sidney Grey
Secretary - Dr. Cliff Beer
Executive Committee - Major Leigh, Colonel H.M. Davison, D.B. Stewart, G.O. Wright, Chaplain Rev. G.C. Taylor
No further business offering meeting adjourned.
Sidney Grey
Charlottetown, December 2, 1914
A General Meeting of the Curling Club took place, the President in the Chair.
President Jas Paton, 1st Vice President Dr. Fullerton, D.B. Stewart, H.M. Davison, Sidney Grey, C.H. Beer, Dr. Pethick, A.W. Hyndmann, Wisher McLure, Walter Grant, C.L. Grant, E.R. Brow, Dr. S.R. Jenkins, D.A. MacKinnon, F.H. Beer, Chas E. Williams, Rev. G.C. Taylor.
All members present signified their intention of becoming playing members for the incoming season 1914-1915. Moved by Dr. Fullerton and seconded by D.B. Stewart that the playing membership be limited to 100 members. Carried.
Moved by C.L. Grant and seconded by W.S. Pethick, " That the Secretary notify all bondholders and 1913-1914 members giving them until December 15th to join for this season, also sending a circular letter to all last year's members who are not bondholders telling them that we must sell $1,200.00 bonds this season to finance the property and asking them to help by taking some part of this." Carried.
Moved by C.H. Black, seconded by F.H. Beer that this be considered the Annual Meeting. Carried.
Nothing further offering the meeting closed.
C.H. Beer, Secretary
Charlottetown, January 13, 1915
A meeting of the Executive was held in the rink at 4:30pm. Members present: Chairman C.L. Grant, Jas Paton, Dr. Fullerton, T.C. James, G.O. Wright, D.B. Stewart, H.M. Davison, C.H. Beer and Sidney Grey.
The minutes of the last meting were read and approved.
Moved by G.D. Wright and seconded by Dr. Fullerton that the Ladies Club just formed be allowed the use of one sheet of ice every morning and Tuesday and Friday afternoons of each week and that the Ladies Club pay the Curling Club $2.00 per capita for all their members. Carried.
Moved by G.O. Wright and D.B. Stewart that an invitation be sent to the Pictou Curling Club for a series of friendly games as soon as possible. Carried.
No further offering the meeting then adjourned.
C.H. Beer
Charlottetown, February 17, 1915
The Executive met at the Rink at 3pm. Present: President Mr. Jas Paton, Dr. Fullerton, D.B. Stewart, G.O. Wright and T.C. James.
The Executive Committee on behalf of the Curling Club accepted with thanks the generous offer of Mr. G.O. Wright of a Silver Cup to be known as the "Wright Cup" to be held under the following regulations. The Cup shall be played for each year and shall be held by the team winning it for one year.
T.C. James
Acting Secretary
Charlottetown, March 15, 1915
A meeting of the Executive was held in the rink. Present: Chairman T.C. James, Dr. Fullerton, D.B. Stewart, Sidney Grey and C.H. Beer.
A draft of the Bill for Incorporation as proposed by Mr. A.E. MacDonald was read and approved.
Meeting then adjourned.
C.H. Beer
Charlottetown, May 29, 1915
A meeting of the Executive was held at the rink.
Mr. A. MacDonald then stated to the meeting the particulars respecting attaining of the Deed of Property from the hands of the Dominion Treasurer which deed was duly handed to the President Mr. Jas Paton. He also informed the meeting that the "Charlottetown Curling Club" had been duly incorporated with a limited capital of $7,000.00.
The Financial Statement was then read showing receipts for the current year.
The Balance on Hand $174.01
Membership Fees 699.00
Ladies Club 40.00
Book for Bonds 125.00
Paid Out Per Statement $1,035.48
Balance on Hand 1.53
Liabilities Per Statement 1,008.79
Accounts Receivable 151.53
Account of Liabilities 856.96
The Secretary was instructed to purchase a seal and a book of blank stock certificates.
Meeting then adjourned.
Sidney Grey, Secretary C.H. Beer, Secretary
Charlottetown, June 14, 1915
A meeting of the bond holders of the Charlottetown Curling Rink was held in the City Court Room in response to a printed notice to that effect mailed to all bond holders.
Mr. Paton placed before the meeting the deed for the property and also the Act for the Incorporation of the building. These were read by the Secretary and received the approval of all present.
The proposed by-laws were then read clause by clause ??????? and then on motion adopted as a whole.
Meeting adjourned.
C.H. Beer
Charlottetown, November 18, 1915
A Special General Meeting of the curling club was called by published notice in the daily papers and was held in the curling rink at 8pm.
Mr. G.O. Wright stated that he had been approached by officers of the military as to taking over the rink for the military uses this winter.
Moved by P. Pope and seconded by D.B. Stewart that in view of the fact that the rink might be needed for public service that the club offer the premises of the Militia Department from now until the 1st of ?????? 1916 for the sum of $750.00. This amount being an estimated cost. This offer to remain open until December 1st, 1915 which is the latest date which to allow the rink to make its plan for the coming season. Carried.
Moved by H.M. Davison and seconded by I. J. Hornby that the Ladies Club be allowed the use of one sheet of ice every morning and Tuesday and Friday afternoons up until 4 o'clock and that the Ladies Club pay to the Charlottetown Curling Club the sum of $2.00 for each and every member of the Ladies Club. Carried.
Nothing further offering, the meeting adjourned at the call of the Chair.
C.H. Beer
Charlottetown, January 11, 1916
A meeting of the curling club was held in the rink at 8 p.m.
The Secretary read a letter from the Pictou Club regarding playing a few games with us in the near future.
Moved W.S. Grant and seconded Mr. VanBuskirk that the Secretary wire Pictou saying we would be ready to play at any time.
Meeting then adjourned at the call of the Chair. C.H. Beer Secretary
May 15, 1916
The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club room at 8pm.
The Treasurer then read his report which showed a small balance on hand after all bills had been paid. This report was also received and on motion adopted.
The Election of Officers was then proceeded with where on ballot the following were declared elected: Jas Paton, D.B. Stewart, T.F. Fullerton, Sidney Grey, H.M. Davison, G.O. Wright, T.C. James, C.H. Beer.
The meeting then closed.
C.H. Beer
November 21, 1916
A General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club held at the rink this evening on November 21, 1916.
President Paton in the Chair.
Moved, seconded and carried that the Ladies Club be allowed the use of one sheet of ice every morning and the same on Tuesday and Friday afternoons until 4 o'clock.
Resolved that the annual fee for the club members be the same as last year - $10.00 and that the honourable members pay $3.00.
D.B. Stewart
Acting Secretary
June 11, 1917
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held here this 11th day of June 1917 in the Curling Rink.
President James Paton in the Chair.
Moved, seconded and carried that the Treasurer be instructed to collect from each playing member the sum of one dollar in order that the clubs indebtedness for the current year be paid off.
A resolution was moved and carried that the winners team of the Wright Trophy Cup wait on Mr. Wright and obtain his permission to convert the Trophy into a Challenge Cup which would greatly increase interest in the game.
In a ballot for Directors having been taken the following were declared elected: James Paton, D.B. Stewart, Dr. Fullerton, C.H. Black, Sidney Grey, H.M. Davison, D.A. MacKinnon and T.C. James.
D.A. MacKinnon was appointed Auditor for the ensuing year.
Meeting adjourned.
C.H. Beer
A general meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club held at the rink this evening January 11th, 1918.
President Paton in the Chair. On motion C.H. Black was appointed Secretary pro tem.
Members Present: James Paton, P. Pope, S. Grey, H.M. VanBuskirk, D.A. MacKinnon,
Geoffery Fitzgerald, E. Rice, J.F Datkis, Dr. Fullerton, A.E. Morrison, R.E. Spillet & G.H. Black.
Minutes of General Meeting of November 21st , 1916 were read and approved. It was moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by Geoffery Fitzgerald that the fee for the season of 1918 be five dollars. Motion Carried.
Canvassing Committees were appointed and lists of names totaling seventy-five names were prepared and these prospects were to be interviewed at once. An Ice Committee as follows was appointed: D.A. MacKinnon, D.B. Stewart and R.E. Spillet. A Games Committee was appointed as follows: C.H. Black, L.B. MacMillan, D.B. Stewart and Ernest Rice - with power to add to their numbers.
Meeting adjourned.
C.H. Black
Secretary/Pro Tem.
November 7th, 1919
A general meeting of the shareholders of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held this 7th day of November 1919 in the curling rink.
Accounts for the last two years showing a Balance on hand of $6.47 were submitted and passed.
A letter from Mr. Walter Grant was read offering to rent the rink building for $250.00 per annum and to pay insurance and taxes with an option to buy the building. (Rink property for $5,000.00. No action was taken regarding same. After a lengthy discussion as to the ways and means and the possibility of increasing interest in curling during the coming season, with the alternative of selling the property.
On motion, it was decided to adjourn the meeting for two weeks til November 21st. Meeting to be held in the rink at 9 o'clock pm at which meeting a report of a Canvassing Committee for subscriptions would be received.
Meeting adjourned,
D.B. Stewart Secretary
November 21st , 1919
The adjourned Annual General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the curling rink this 21st day of November 1919.
On motion the shareholders proceeded to ballot for Directors. When the following were found to be elected.
G.D. Wright C.H. Black
D.A. MacKinnon D.B. Stewart
R.E. Spillet Dr. Fullerton
L.B. MacMillan F.H. Beer
From the above named Directors the following were on motion appointed officers for the year.
D.A. MacKinnon President
C.H. Black Vice President
D.B. Stewart Secretary
R.E. Spillet Treasurer
Mr. MacKinnon the new President then took the chair vacated by Mr. Paton and as Chairman of the Committee appointed to canvass for club subscriptions reported the names of 58 men who would pay a subscription of $10.00 each.
The following resolution was then moved by Mr. Stanley Wedlock and seconded by J.R. Dennis:
"That the Directors be instructed to rent the rink to the curling club for seven hundred dollars per year for a term of five years and failing this to sell the property provided they can secure the price of five thousand dollars or over."
On motion of F.H. Beer, seconded by Dr. Fullerton the following amendment to the above resolution was moved:
"That the term five years be struck out and the term one year be inserted in lieu thereof." This amendment was carried. On a vote being taken for the main resolution, it was declared lost by a vote of 16 to 6 on a ballot vote. N.B. The correctness of the ballot was questioned by Mr. Wedlock.
A resolution was then moved by Dr. Fullerton and seconded by Mr. Paton to sell the rink property, and on a ballot vote being taken the resolution was declared lost by a vote of 10 to 12.
Meeting adjourned.
D.B. Stewart
November 23rd, 1920
A general meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club according to notice given in the newspapers was held this Tuesday evening November 23rd, 1920.
Members were given lists of names to canvass, and to report on same at the Annual meeting of the playing club to be called on Monday, the 29th of November in the rink at 7:30pm.
Meeting adjourned.
D.B. Stewart, Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
November 10, 1921
The regular Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the curling rink on this date at 7:30pm with President D.A. McKinnon presiding.
It was moved by Mr. Percy Pope, seconded by Mr. R.E. Spillet that the President of the Charlottetown Curling Club Ltd. (known as the Holding Club) be President of the Playing Club and that he be a member ex-officio of all committees of the Playing Club for the season of 1921-22. Carried.
Mr. D.A. McKinnon being President of the Curling Club Ltd was therefore declared President of the Playing Club for the curling season of 1921-22.
On motion of Mr. C.L. Miles seconded by Mr. MacNaughton the following committees were approved for the ensuing year.
Games Committee - Mr. Chas Leigh - Chairman
Alex Scott, C.L. Miles, H.A. Ebers and ????
Ice Committee - R.E. Spillett - Chairman
D.B. Stewart, G. Gordon Hughes and ARB ???
Entertainment Committee - M.P. Titus - Chairman
Jas Bayer, W.A. Stewart, S.C. Moore, H.R. McNaughton,
E.M.O. Reddin and ????
General Executive - D.A. McKinnon - President
Vincent McQuaid - Treasurer
J.A. Fraser - Secretary Colonel Chas Leigh
R.E. Spillett
Publicity Committee - Captain G.C. Taylor & Dr. C.C. ????
The matter of altering and putting the upstairs ante-room in proper condition for the entertainment of members and guests was also left in the hands of the General Executive Committee.
M.P. Titus
Charlottetown, PEI
October 27, 1922
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the curling rink on this date at eight o'clock PM.
President D.A. McKinnon presiding.
Moved by G.D. Wright, seconded by Jas Bayer that Colonel Chas Leigh be elected President. Carried.
Moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by J.A. Fraser by J.A. Fraser that G.D. Wright be elected Vice President. Carried.
Moved by C.H. Black, seconded by WRB Duck that Vincent McQuaid be re-elected Treasurer. Carried.
Moved by G.D. Wright, seconded by Jas Bayer that M.P. Titus be appointed Secretary. Carried.
Moved by G.D. Wright and seconded by A.R.B. Duck that the Ladies be allowed the use of one rink on Tuesday and Friday afternoons and Saturday evening providing no visiting teams are being entertained, and that the Secretary be instructed to notify Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Reddin to that effect. Carried.
Moved by G.D. Wright, seconded by Jas Bayer that M.P. Titus, A.R.B. Duck and C.H. Black with power to add be appointed a committee to draw up rules and by-laws governing the club and submit same to the General Executive for approval. Carried.
J.A. Fraser Secretary
October 28, 1923
Charlottetown, PEI
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms on this date. There being present: C.H. Black, W.S. Prowse, Percy Pope, Percy Simmons, A.R.B. Duck, D.A. McKinnon, Herbert T. Prowse, S.C. Moore, J.A. Fraser, G.G. Hughes, James Bayer,
Colonel Chas Leigh, M.P. Titus, R.G. Taylor, A. Affleck, D.B. Stewart, G.P. Nicholson, John Lewis, J.A. Bentley, Chas Livingston, Professor F.T. Watkis, C.M. Williams, R.E. Spillet, Alex Scott, Geo. W. MacLeod, J.S. Pierce, Charles Earle, H.A. Ebers, Dr. C.C. Archibald, Dr. S.C. Houston, A.E. Morrison, C.L. Miles, J.A. MacNeil, J.A. Webster and H.W. Weeks.
President Leigh occupied the Chair.
Reports of Committee: A.R.B. Duck, Chairman of the Ice Committee reported a very successful season and excellent ice conditions.
C.H. Black, Chairman of the Games Committee, reported the Games Committee had held several meetings and arranged the games for the season which he felt sure had met with the approval of the club in general.
It was moved by D.A. McKinnon, seconded by C.H. Black that the Rules and By-Laws as prepared by the Special By-Law Committee and submitted to the General Executive be adopted by the club. Carried.
Election of officers resulted as follows:
President - Colonel Chas Leigh
Vice President - M.P. Titus
Secretary - Treasurer -C.M. Williams
It was moved by Jas Bayer and seconded by M.P. Titus that a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Gro.W. McLeod for his thoughtfulness and generosity in presenting the club with a Silver Cup to be competed for by the junior members. Carried unanimously.
Moved by H.A. Ebers, seconded by G.G. Hughes that the membership fee for the present season be ($10.00) for playing members. Carried.
M.P. Titus
ANNUAL MEETING October 27th, 1924
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held on the above date in the club rooms. The following members being present:
D.A. MacKinnon, S.C. Moore, Theo Bayer, Dr. C.C. Archibald, A.C. Sinclair, J.E. Cameron,
H.A. Ebers, R.G. Taylor, A. Scott, G. Gaudet, W.S. Grant, J.H. Lewis, Percy Pope, W.H. Prowse,
F.R. McLaine, C.W.D. Livingston, J.A. Fraser, M.P. Titus, C.G. Duffy, C.H. Black, PJ MacDonald, Noel Dabbles, P. McTague, H.E. Miller, H.J. Prowse, G.D. Wright, R.E. Spillet, W.H. Townsend, W.F. Taylor, E. Reagan and W.A. Stewart.
President Colonel Chas Leigh occupied the Chair.
He announced that the club membership stood at 92 during the year just ended and that 25 playing members had just become shareholders of the club which meant that the majority of the stock of the Charlottetown Curling Club was now held within the Playing Club.
The Secretary-Treasurer then presented the financial statement for the year 1923 - 24 which showed a credit balance of $47.93.
It was moved by H.A. Ebers, seconded by W.H. Prowse that the annual fee for the year 1924 -25 be $10.00. Carried.
The election of officers for the year 1924 -25 was then proceeded with and resulted as follows:
President - M.P. Titus
Vice - President - R.E. Spillet
Secretary-Treasurer - C.M. Williams
It was then moved by H.A. Ebers and seconded by C.H. Black that the Executive Committee be asked to continue its good work in locating available shares of the Charlottetown Curling Club and persuading present playing members to purchase them. Carried.
The President announced that plans were being made for a series of games with the Amherst, Sackville and Moncton Clubs and this announcement was heartily endorsed by the meeting.
The meeting then adjourned.
C.M. Williams
Secretary - Treasurer
October 26th, 1925
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The General Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms, Grafton Street on Monday evening, October 26th, 1925.
The President Mr. M.P. Titus occupied the chair.
Messrs. J.A. Fraser Col. Chas Leigh
D.A. McKinnon R.G. Taylor
J.A. Bentley A.W. Hyndman
E.S. Coffin Dr. J.D. McGuigan
G.G. Hughes Dr. H. McIntyre
W.H. Townsend
The financial statement showed a credit balance of $159.58 with outstanding bills of $76.00.
The election of officers then proceeded and Mr. C.H. Black was nominated for the office of President. Mr. Black was declared President.
Mr. S.C. Moore was nominated for the Vice-Presidency on motion of Mr. J.A. Bentley, seconded by Colonel Leigh and was elected in the same manner. Mr. J.H. Lewis with Mr. C.M. Williams as Assistant was appointed Secretary-Treasurer.
Mr. Titus commented on the fact that the weather conditions during the past season had been very unsatisfactory from the curlers standpoint and regretted the season had not been more successful.
The question of fall card games was then discussed and it was moved by Colonel Leigh and seconded by G.G. Hughes that the card games be started on Friday night, October 30th at 8 o'clock and that the Secretary circularize the members to that effect. Carried.
The question of repairing the rink was throughly discussed and it was suggested that a drain be dug along the eastern side of the building to carry off the surplus water and prevent the flooding of No. 1 rink. These suggestions were noted by the building committee.
It was then moved by Mr. J.A. Fraser and seconded by D.A. MacKinnon that the fee for 1925-26 be ten dollars, such fees being payable on December 1st, and after that subject to ten days draft presented through the Royal Bank of Canada. Carried.
No further business offering the meeting adjourned.
C.M. Williams, Secretary - Treasurer
A special meeting of the shareholders of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms on Grafton St., on Thursday evening November 26th, 1925 in pursuance to written notice to that effect mailed to each shareholder by the Secretary.
The President Mr. D.A. MacKinnon called the meeting to order at 7:45 o'clock with the following shareholders present:
Messrs: Jas Paton
M.P. Titus
A.E. Morrison
W.H. Prowse
R.G. Taylor
E.S. Coffin
J.H. Lewis
J.P. Simmons
Alex Scott
C.H. Black
J.A. Bentley
J.A. Fraser
C.M. Williams
It was moved by Mr. Jas Paton and seconded by Mr. J.A. Fraser that C.M. Williams act as Secretary of the meeting in the absence of the Secretary Mr. D.B. Stewart. Carried.
The President explained that this meeting had been called for the purpose of deciding what action should be taken to conduct the business of the club in accordance with its Act of Incorporation and by-laws and he explained that this was the first meeting of the shareholders called since 1920. During the intervening years the affairs of the club had been conducted by the playing members generally.
Mr. C.M. Williams then read the Act of Incorporation which was assented to on April 24, 1915 and the by-laws which were adopted at a special meeting of the shareholders called for that purpose on June 14th, 1915. He explained that the directors appointed on November 21st , 1919 still held office as no successors had been appointed owing to no meetings having been held.
These directors were:
Messrs: D.A. McKinnon (President)
C.H. Black ( Vice-President)
D.B. Stewart (Secretary)
R.E. Spillett (Treasurer)
G.D. Wright
L.B. McMillan
Dr. F.T. Fullerton
F.H. Beer
As Dr. Fullerton was dead and F.H. Beer had sold his stock in the club, there were two vacancies on the Board of Directors which vacancies could be filled by the remaining directors as authorized by By-Law No. 8. Mr. Williams stated that By-Law No.6 defined how the funds of the club would be handled and that this by-law was not now being observed.
Mr. J.A. Bentley then explained the legal situation of the club and pointed out that its affairs could only be transacted in accordance with the Act of Incorporation and the by-laws. He briefly outlined the history of the club from its inception in 1913 to the present day stating he had reviewed the minutes and took his information from that source. He pointed out that the club had not been holding its Annual Meetings as it was required to do and also pointed out that the date set out for the Annual Meeting, namely the 1st Monday in May, was apparently not satisfactory as according to the minutes most of the Annual Meetings had been held in the Fall. He further explained that Section 8 of the Act empowered the directors to amend or re-enact by-laws and suggested that this action be taken, such amended by-laws would then govern until the next Annual Meeting in May when they could be endorsed by the shareholders.
Messrs. Jas Paton, C.H. Black, M.P. Titus and others contributed to the discussion and it was decided to have the two vacancies on the Board of Directors filled and the by-laws amended. It was also decided that only shareholders of the club could hold executive appointments and that a further effort be made to persuade present playing members to purchase shares. It was moved by Mr. Paton and seconded by Mr. Titus that the directors give the Power of Attorney authorizing Mr. C.M. Williams to transact the business of the club with the Royal Bank of Canada during the present season. Carried.
No further business offering the meeting adjourned.
C.M. Williams
Acting Secretary
November 1st, 1926
Charlottetown, PEI
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms, Grafton St., on Monday evening November 1st. The President Mr. C.H. Black called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
The minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read by the Secretary and adopted. No business arising out of same, the President asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Shareholders held on November 26, 1925.
These were read to give the members a general understanding of the situation now existing, whereby there are two organizations within the club, that is the playing members which have been transacting the general affairs of the club for the past few years and the shareholders who actually own the property. Considerable question arose over this question and it was decided to appoint a committee to confer with the shareholders with a view to so amending the by-laws that these two organizations would be amalgamated.
On the motion of Colonel Leigh, seconded by W.F. Taylor the following committee was appointed:
Messrs: J.A. Bentley
D.A. McKinnon
M.P. Titus
G.G. Hughes
G.E. Full
The Secretary then presented the financial statement showing a credit balance of $101.79.
Mr. L.B. MacMillan, Chairman of the Ice Committee referred to the splendid ice that marked last season's curling and spoke very highly of the services of Mr. Richard Butler, the caretaker to whom most of the credit was due for the good results.
Mr. E.S. Coffin for the building committee reported that during the past season the underpinning of the lobby had been repaired. A trench draining the eastern side of the property had been dug, the roof had been completely covered with a roofing cement prepared by the Arco Company and that the whole building had been jacked up and placed on a permanent foundation of piers and approximately 60 ft.of new sill had been put in. He spoke very highly of the official work done by Mr. M.P. Titus in directing and supervising this work.
On the motion of Colonel Leigh, seconded by S.C. Moore it was proposed that the 1926 fee for regular members be ten dollars ($10.00) this to be collected in accordance with the by-laws.
The election of new officers was then proceeded with and Mr. L.B. McMillan was elected President Mr. H.A., Ebers was elected Vice President and Mr. J.A. Bentley was appointed Secretary-Treasurer
The President then named the following Nominating Committee to prepare and present a slate for the various club committees.
Messrs. H.A. Ebers
J.A. Fraser
F.R. McLaine
The President was pleased to announce that Montague had built a curling rink and intended forming a curling club this winter, which would greatly stimulate this sport in this province.
Colonel Leigh then announced that the Riflemen of this city were intending to establish an indoor rifle range and an engineer from the Department of Militia, Ottawa had been in Charlottetown looking over the various buildings available. It was found that the curling rink was the most suitable and he asked that this meeting express itself in regard to this in order that the shareholders might know what the general opinion of the playing members was in this connection. He explained that an overhead range would be constructed at no expense to the club and that no riflemen would be permitted to join this club without first either being associate or regular members of the curling club. He further explained that the permission for the use of the rink for this purpose would be granted from year to year and the only assurance the Department of Militia required was that no rent would be charged.
The matter was discussed at some length and the idea approved on the motion of Colonel Leigh, seconded by Alex Scott.
There being no further business offering the meeting adjourned.
C.M. Williams
ANNUAL MEETING - December 5th, 1927
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on December 5th , 1927, with the President Mr. L.B. MacMillan in the Chair.
Mr. J.A. Bentley reported on the action taken by the special committee appointed at the last Annual Meeting to confer with the shareholders with a view to establishing a definite and satisfactory working arrangement whereby the playing members privileges and obligations would be clearly defined. He read and explained the resolution submitted to the Executive Committee by the directors of the curling club and adopted by the Executive Committee at a special meeting held on December 21st, 1927. Briefly this agreement gives the playing members, who shall be known as the Charlottetown Curling Association, full occupancy and use of the rink and property of the Charlottetown Curling Club in consideration of which the Curling Association assumes full responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the premises, for payment of all rates, taxes, assessments and fire insurance premiums, for payment of the interest on the existing mortgage and for payment of the sum of One Hundred dollars yearly on the principle of this mortgage until it is fully paid off. On the motion of Dr. C.C. Archibald, seconded by S.C. Moore, the action taken by the Executive Committee in this connection was approved and ratified.
The Secretary-Treasurer was further instructed to attend to the payment of the One Hundred dollars to the mortgagee when the next payment of interest was made.
The Secretary then presented the annual financial statement showing a credit balance of $115.04. This was accepted by the meeting on regular motion.
The election of officers was next proceeded with, Messrs. D.A. MacKinnon and M.P. Titus being appointed scrutineers. The election resulted as follows:
President- S.C. Moore
Vice- President- J.F. Whear
Secretary -Treasurer - C.M. Williams
On the motion of R.E. Spillett, seconded by J.L. Hodgson, it was decided that the membership fee for the year be $10.00. Considerable discussion arose over this question, several members being of the opinion that a larger fee should be collected in view of the additional expenses which had to be met. It was decided however that a special effort be made to increase the membership and, further, that an effort be made to stage some entertainment during the coming winter or spring for the purpose of adding to our revenue.
Mr. Titus brought up the matter of each member being required to purchase a broom for his personal use and pointed out that it was extremely difficult to keep a good surface on the ice unless new clean brooms only were used. After some discussion, he moved that each member be required to purchase a new broom each year for his personal use. This was seconded by J.L. Hodgeson and carried.
No further business offering, the meeting adjourned.
C.M. Willams
Charlottetown Curling Club
Charlottetown, P.E. Island
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held on October 29th, 1928 in the curling rink with the President Mr. S.C. Moore in the Chair.
Colonel Leigh stated that the indoor rifle range which had been proposed to construct in the curling rink, had been put up in the Armories and the matter was now closed.
Retiring President's Report for the Club Year:
From a curling standpoint last season was a short but extremely pleasurable one. I only wish I could say the same for the financial end of the club season. Your Secretary's report will show just the position we are in. It is an impossibility to run our club under the present arrangements. You will be called upon tonight to give this matter your earnest consideration and to devise some system that will be more satisfactory. During the year we have reduced the amount of the mortgage on the building by $100.00 and this season we shall have to re-cover the south roof of the building at a cost of some $300.00.
As you know, our club sent three rinks to Summerside last winter when we had the pleasure of winning the Senator McArthur Curling Trophy. Later we sent three rinks to Montague to compete for the Garboury Challenge Cup, but here we were not so successful and this cup was won by our enthusiastic friends, the Montague curlers. Both of these trips were of a most pleasant nature and were fully enjoyed by all. We, as a club, also had the pleasure of several visits from Summerside and Montague curling friends. This interchange of play and renewing of friendships is and will be a vital means of strengthening our different Island curling clubs.
S.C. Moore
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary-Treasurer. A balance of $2.77 was shown on hand with outstanding liabilities of $128.85.
The election of officers was next proceeded with in accordance with the by-laws and resulted as follows:
President - J.F. Whear Vice President - C.G. Duffy
Secretary - Treasurer - C.M. Williams
The matter of deciding the 1928-29 membership fee was then discussed and the Secretary then explained the necessity for increasing same. Colonel Leigh moved that the 1928-29 membership fee be $15.00 and the associate fee $5.00. This was seconded by C.H. Black and carried unanimously by a standing vote.
The Secretary was instructed to secure information regarding the conditions governing playing for the McLellan Cup.
Mr. Titus called the meeting's attention to the necessity for revising and amending the constitution and by-laws of the Association and made a motion that a committee be appointed for this purpose. This was seconded by Dr. McGuigan and, on being carried, the chairman named the following committee:
M.P. Titus, J.A. Bentley, G.G. Hughes
The meeting was then adjourned on motion until November 29th when this committee's report would be received.
C.M. Williams, Secretary
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the curling rink on Thursday evening, November 28th, 1929 at 7:30 o'clock with the President J.F. Whear in the Chair
The question of having the annual constitution and by-laws printed and distributed was discussed and the Secretary stated this was now in the printer's hands and should be completed shortly. The Secretary then presented the year's financial statement showing a balance of $53.89 and outstanding accounts of $213.95. It was explained that over $400.00 was spent in repairing the roof and making other necessary repairs to the rink during the past season that accounted for the large deficit.
The Chairman proclaimed Mr. C.G. Duffy elected President of the Association for the year 1929-30.
For the office of Vice President Mr. G.G. Hughes and for the office of Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Fraser was elected.
The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of names for Chairman of various committees which was accepted by the meeting on regular motion:
Games Committee - F.R. McLaine
Ice Committee - J.P. Simmonds
Entertainment Committee - R.G. Taylor
Building Committee - H.J. Phillips
Membership Committee - A.C. Sinclair
Publicity Committee - W.F. Taylor
The advisability of doing away with Associate membership was then discussed at considerable length and on the motion of W.H. Townsend, seconded by J.F. MacDonald, it was decided to repeat By-Law No.2 in so far as it concerned Associate members. This motion was carried by a standing unanimous vote and the Secretary was instructed to notify all Associate members of this change in writing at the end of the present calendar year.
Nominations for the office of President, C.G. Duffy being elected.
Some discussion arose over the breaking into of the rink by boys during the summer as a result of which a number of curling stone handles were missing. On motion of Mr. Black, seconded by
C.M. Williams, it was decided to replace these handles at the expense of the Association.
The meeting then adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on October 29th, 1930, with the President Judge C.G. Duffy in the Chair.
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary-Treasurer. A balance of $53.38 was shown on hand in the Royal Bank of Canada with an outstanding revenue of $75.00, outstanding liabilities of $121.73 after the various items had been fully discussed this statement was accepted on motion of C.W. Williams, seconded by D. Archibald.
After considerable discussion, it was moved by S.C. Moore, seconded by D.A. MacKinnon that Section 10 of the Bylaws be changed to read $10.00 in place of $15 for membership dues and also that the membership limit of eighty members in section read "unlimited." This motion was carried by a standing unanimous vote.
Mr. G.G. Hughes was elected President of the Charlottetown Curling Association for the year 1930-31. Mr. W.A. Stewart was accordingly declared Vice-President. Secretary/Treasurer was J.A. Fraser re-elected.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following chairmen were selected for the different committees:
Games- Harry Sear
Membership - Mr. W.G. Taylor
Ice- R.E. Spillett
Building - Mr. H. J. Phillips
Entertainment - Reg Bell
Publicity - D. Archibald
Meeting then adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on October 26, 1931 with the President Mr. G.G. Hughes in the Chair.
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary - Treasurer. A balance of $282.91 was shown on hand in the Royal Bank of Canada.
Mr. W.A. Stewart had a majority vote and he was accordingly declared President of the Association for the year 1931 - 32. Mr. C.M. Williams had a majority vote and he was declared Vice President.
For the office of Secretary - Treasurer, J.A. Fraser was re-elected.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following chairmen were selected for the different committees:
Entertainment - Mr. S.C. Moore
Games - Mr. Harry Sear
Membership - Mr. H.A. Spillett
Ice - Mr. R.E. Spillett
Building - Mr. W.H. Townsend
No other business offering, it was moved by F.R. McLaine, seconded by S.C. Moore meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on October 31, 1932 at 8 o'clock pm. The meeting was called to order with the President W.A. Stewart in the Chair.
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary showing a balance on hand of ??????number) in Royal Bank with outstanding bills payable of $134.23 and after considerable discussion on the various items the statement was accepted on motion of F.R. McLaine, seconded by C.W. Williams.
The President Mr. W.A. Stewart then briefly reviewed the Association's activities during the year past and paid a well merited tribute to the various committees, referring to the financial conditions of the club. It was his opinion that we were handicapped more by weather conditions then by the Depression. In closing he thanked the Association for the honour conferred upon him in electing him to this position.
A motion by F.R. McLaine, seconded by J.F. MacLeod that the membership fees (Section 10 of the Bylaws) be changed to read $7.50 in place of $15.00 for membership fees.
Moved by F.R. McLaine, seconded by D.A. MacKinnon that the ladies be addressed as members at a fee of two dollars per annum.
Nominations for the office of President were called for and Mr. G.W. MacLeod was elected. In the office of Vice President Mr. W.H. Townsend was elected, and for Secretary/Treasurer, J.A. Fraser was elected.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following chairmen were selected for the various committees:
Ice Committee - R.E. Spillett
Games Committee - F.A. Johnston
Building - H. Winchester
Membership - Kelsey Brehaut
Entertainment - Theo Sentner
Publicity - Reg Taylor
No other business offering, moved by Dr. Archibald, seconded by D.A. MacKinnon meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser, Secretary
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on October 30th, 1933 at 8 o'clock pm.
The meeting was called to order with the President Mr. Geo.W. MacLeod in the Chair.
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary showing a balance in the Royal Bank of $3.90, cash on hand $14.65 with outstanding bills of $41.13, leaving a balance of $22.58 payable.
It was moved by ????, seconded by H.A. Ebers that the annual fee for the coming year be $7.50 and for lady members $2.00.
The election of officers for the ensuing year was next proceeded with and Mr. W.A. Stewart and S.C. Moore were appointed a Nominating Committee.
Mr. Townsend was elected President of the Charlottetown Curling Association for the year 1933-34. Mr. W.W. Land was nominated for Vice-President and was declared elected. Secretary JA. Fraser was re-elected Secretary/Treasurer.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following were elected as Chairmen of the various committees.
Ice - D.A. MacKinnon
Games - Geo.W. MacLeod
Membership - Phil Cobb
Entertainment - ????
Building - C.W. Williams
Publicity - Neil Matheson
A suggestion was made by some of the members present that it might be a good idea to stage a Provincial Bonspiel in the Forum around the first (1st) of November if suitable arrangements could be made. Mr. Geo. W. McLeod and the Secretary J.A. Fraser were appointed a committee to interview the forum management, also the different restaurants as to the cost, etc. This to report at a later date.
No other business offering, the meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club rooms on October 29th , 1934 at 8 o'clock pm.
The meeting was called to order with President Mr. W.H. Townsend in the Chair.
The detailed financial statement was then presented by the Secretary showing a balance of $11.47 in the Royal Bank of Canada with $20.00 in outstanding debt.
The question of telephone service for the coming year was discussed at some length and H.A. Ebers moved, seconded by F. ??? that the incoming Executive interview the telephone company with a view to having service installed.
A motion by Mr. H.A. Ebers, seconded by Mr. W.W. Lord that if a Skip is unable to be present for a regular scheduled match or trophy game, that the Mate would take the position of Skip and the remainder of his team move up and lead stone be selected from any member present; also that if the Skip or any other members of his team are absent that the game be awarded to the opposing team by default. Carried.
It was moved by S.C. Moore, seconded by W.W. Land that the annual dues for the coming season be $10.00.
To stimulate interest in new members it was moved by S.C. Moore, seconded by Geo.W. McLeod, that a set of new curling stones be purchased by the Association and drawn for on January 15, 1935.
Nominations for the office of President being called and by case of ballot M. Lord was elected President..
For the office of Vice President Mr. W. ?????? being the only nomination, he was elected Vice-President. For the office of Secretary/Treasurer, J.A. Fraser was re-elected.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following Chairman were selected for the various committees.
Ice - D.A. MacKinnon
Games - H.L. Sear
Entertainment - W. Davis
Membership - H.A. Ebers
Building - H. Winchester
Publicity - Neil Matheson
???????? - J.C. Moore
Moved by F.?????, seconded by Geo.W. McLeod that the Chairmen of the various committees be approved.
No other business offering, meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the curling rink on Monday evening November 4, 1935 at 7:30pm with the President Mr. W.W. Lord in the chair.
The Secretary - Treasurer presented the year's financial statement showing a balance in the Royal Bank of $1.76. All dues collected and all bills paid.
Nominations for the office of President were called. Mr. ????? was elected President of the Charlottetown Curling Association for 1935-36.
For the office of Vice President, the one nomination being H. Winchester. It was moved by
Geo.W. McLeod, seconded by J.A. Bentley that nominations close and Mr. Winchester was declared Vice President.
For the Secretary-Treasurer it was moved by Judge Duffy, seconded by S.C. Moore that J.A. Fraser be re-elected.
A Nominating Committee of three: Mr. H. Spillet, J.A. Bentley and F.R. McLaine submitted the following nominations as Chairmen of the various committees. On motion F.C. ????, seconded by A. Scott. Carried
Games- H. Sear
Entertainment - W. Davis
Ice - J.A. Fraser
Membership - Judge Duffy
Publicity - R. ??????
Property - D.A. MacKinnon
On motion of Alex Scott(?????) , seconded by Hal Spillett that the membership fees for 1935 - 1936 be $10.00 for regular members and $5.00 for new applicants.
No other business offering it was moved by W.W. Lord, seconded by Judge Duffy meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser, Secretary - Treasurer
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club room of the Curling Rink on October 26, 1936 at 7:30 o'clock with the President Mr. W.L. ????? in the chair
The Secretary then presented the year's financial statement showing a balance in the Royal Bank of $5.87 with outstanding notes for $260.00. It was explained that this amount was carried over from the last year's repairs to the building and installing new lighting, etc. tne membership due outstanding and all bills paid. On motion of Reg Bell, seconded by A. Belcher. Carried.
Mr. Frank Johnston, Chairman of a Committee appointed at a Special Meeting, to inquire into the costs & ?????? of an artificial ice plant presented his report, and after considerable discussion by those present it was moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by H. Winchester that the report be tabled for this year.
Moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by G.G. Hughes that Mr. H. Winchester be President. for the Charlottetown Curling Association for the year 1936 -1937. For the office of Vice - President, the only nomination being Mr. A. Belcher. He was declared elected. For position of Secretary - Treasurer, moved by G.G. Hughes, seconded by P. Cobb that J.A. Fraser be re-elected. Carried.
On a separate vote of the meeting the following were elected as Chairmen of the various Committees.
Games - H. Sear
Ice - J.A. Fraser
Entertainment - W. Davis
Membership - F. ???????
Publicity - Ralph Worthy
No other business offering, meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser Secretary
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Association was held in the club room on Friday evening October 29, 1937 at 7:30 o'clock with the President Mr. Harry Winchester in the Chair
The Secretary then presented the year's financial statement showing a balance in the Royal Bank of $3.16 with outstanding notes for $350.00. It was explained that this amount was for repairs for the east side of the roof.
The Secretary was instructed to cast a ballot declaring Mr. Phil Cobb President of the Charlottetown Curling Association for 1937 - 1938.
Moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by W.W. Lord that Mr. A. Belcher be Vice President. Moved by H. Sear, seconded by C.M. Williams that J.A. Fraser be re-elected as Secretary - Treasurer. Moved by Judge Duffy, seconded by A.W. Hyndman that the Chairmen of the various Committees be re-elected. Carried.
Games- H. Spillett
Entertainment - W. Davis
Ice - J.A. Fraser
Membership- F. ?????
Building- D.A. MacKinnon
Publicity- R. Worthy
Moved by D.A. MacKinnon, seconded by A. Belcher that the membership dues be the same as last year??? $10.25 ??? $5.25.
No other business offering, meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Board Room of the City Hall on Tuesday, the 29th day of November, 1938 at seven-thirty o'clock pm with the President Mr. Daniel A. MacKinnon in the Chair
The number of paid-up members being 78 for the season.
The President, Mr. D.A. MacKinnon, then reviewed the year's activities at length, dealing with the activities of the Charlottetown Curling Association and also with the undertaking of the providing of a new rink for the 1938 - 39 season.
It was moved by R.R. Bell and seconded by J.H. Howatt, and duly passed that the Officers of the Company for the ensuing year be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four directors, making up a total executive of eight.
The nominating committee duly reported as follows:
President - W.W. Lord
Vice President - J.H. Howatt
Secretary - R.R. Bell
Treasurer - C.M. Williams
Four Directors: J.A. Webster, D.A. MacKinnon, Dr. Heath McIntyre and G. Gordon Hughes
The said report was unanimously carried.
The following motions were duly passed and unanimously carried.
(1) That the membership dues be payable on December 15th and January 15th, and the names of members to be posted if payment had not be completed on the last named day.
(2) That application for membership to be in writing and to be accompanied by one-half the dues payable.
(3) That the membership dues for the year be $20.00, and that for new members the dues be $10.00.
(4) That the signing officers for the Company be the President and Treasurer.
R.R. Bell
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
October 29th, 1940
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Club House on Monday evening, October 28th, 1940, at 8:00 o'clock, with the President Mr. W. Warren Lord, presiding.
Mr. J. Hibbett Howatt, Chairman, presented the report of the Property Committee, referring to certain improvements which had been made and referred to the installing of the new furnace which had just been completed.
Dr. Heath MacIntyre, reporting for the Ice Committee, referred to the difficulty with regard to drainage in connection with No.4 ice; also the problem with the expansion of ice was dealt with and the leveling of the ice surface.
In the absence of M J.P. Hillion on military duty, President Lord presented the report of the Military Committee reporting 118 senior members, 42 junior members, 11 associate members and 1 life member, total of 172 members, the largest in the history of the Club.
A general discussion was taken part in by a number of the members on a question raised by
Mr. T.W. L. Prowse, in regard to interest in junior members. In his opinion something more should be done for the younger members, that they might be given instructions in the finer points of the game, which was impossible to learn unless the older members were willing to help the new men coming in.
The matter of some arrangement of retiring directors each year was discussed and on motion of Dr. MacGuigan, seconded by Mr. A.W. Hyndman, it was unanimously agreed that three directors retire in 1941, three in 1942, and two in 1943. That the three retiring in 1941 and 1942 be determined by drawing lots, the remaining two to retire in 1943, and thereafter in the same rotation. It was definitely understood that retiring directors are eligible for re-election.
During the absence of the Nominating Committee the President presented his report.
The Nominating Committee recommended the following eight names as directors for the year
1940-41:J. Hibbert Howatt, J.A. Webster, H.I. Spillett, W. Warren Lord, Dr. Heath MacIntyre, P.W. Turner, G. Gordon Hughes and N.D. McLean. There being no further nominations, the Secretary was instructed to case one ballot for the election of the above Directors.
On motion meeting adjourned.
W.P. Turner
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
October 27, 1941
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Club House on Monday evening, October 27th, at 8:00 o'clock, with the President J.H. Howatt presiding.
In presenting the report of the Property Committee, the Chairman G.G. Hughes gave a comprehensive outline of much work done during the year. A new and much needed cloak room had been completed. Every effort had been made to remedy the unfortunate ice condition prevailing during last season; a well had been sunk, and two hundred and thirty feet of tile drainage laid. The roof had been inspected by a representative of the Brantford Roofing Company and all necessary repairs had been made. New supports had been placed in the basement, and altogether the building and property was in first class condition. The Directors had at their own expense installed two sets of Quoit beds, and much interest was being manifested in this game. Mr. Hughes commended the Caretaker, Henry Arsenault, for his cooperation at all times. On motion this report was adopted.
Mr. N.D. McLean, for the Membership Committee, reported a membership of 95 Senior Members, 46 Junior and 6 Associate, a total of 151. He stated that while this was 23 less than the previous year it was a good showing because many of our members were away on military duty.
Dr. McIntyre, Chairman of the Ice Committee, referred to the unfortunate ice conditions of the past season. In expressing regret, he thanked the Property Committee for the energetic manner in which they had dealt with the situation and hoped that the trouble was eliminated for the coming season.
Reference was made to visits from the Halifax, Montague, and Summerside Clubs, and the excellent spirit of fellowship prevailing. He referred to the showing of our curlers at the International Bonspiel at Quebec City and the MacDonald-Briar team composed of W.R. Cruickshank, Skip, G.G. Hughes, Mate, P.S. Cobb, Second Stone, and H.L. Sear, First Stone. Complimentary reference was made to the Club Steward and his wife for the very efficient and capable manner in which they looked after the club premises and the comfort of the members at all times.
He referred with pride to the fact that a large number of our members had donned the uniform and were serving their King and Country in various capacities and places, and that practically all our members were making every possible contribution towards winning the war.
Reporting for the Nominating Committee, A.W. Hyndman presented the names of J.A.Fraser, E.D. Nicholson, F.R. McLaine.
A.W. Hyndman suggested that it might be possible to sell a certain quantity of War Savings Certificates through the medium of the canteen. J.F. MacLeod stated that War Savings Certificates to the amount of Eighty Dollars had been given as prizes during the card tournament in the early Fall, prior to the opening of the curling season.
There being no further business, meeting was on motion adjourned.
President Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
October 26, 1942
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club, properly called, met in the club quarters on the above date with Dr. Heath MacIntrye, the President in the Chair.
Mr. J.A. Fraser regretted that due to the short season, occasioned by poor ice it had been impossible to complete play for all the cup tournaments, but that nevertheless a very fair curling period had been enjoyed. He expressed thanks to Mr. Charles Stewart for his capable assistance.
T.W.L. Prowse for the Nominating Committee reported as follows: J.C. Montgomery, J.F. McLeod, and H.L. Sear be elected for the period of three years and P.W. Turner to fill the unexpired term of one year. There being no further nominations from the floor a motion was passed that the nominations close and the Secretary be ordered to case one ballot declaring the above elected.
The President reminded the members of the appointment at the last Annual Meeting of a Committee consisting of W.W. Lord, P.W. Turner and himself to prepare a Constitution and By-Laws for the government of the club. This had been prepared and would be read by the Secretary for their approval.
This was then read and approved clause by clause. Upon completion it was moved by Malcolm McKinnon, seconded by T.W.L. Prowse that they be approved as a whole, and become the Constitutions and By-Laws of the Charlottetown Curling Club. Motion carried unanimously.
This concluding the business meeting adjourned.
President Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
December 10, 1942
A Special Meeting of the membership of the club was held this evening at 7:30pm in the Winchester Banquet Room. A large number of the members were present. The President P.W. Turner presided and stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of electing thirty senior skips and thirty senior mates, also to show moving pictures of the 1942 MacDonald's Brier Bonspiel held in Quebec City last March.
Mr. Malcolm MacKinnon, Secretary of the P.E.I. Curling Association read a letter from the Secretary of the Dominion Curling Association, asking for an outline of the program of the P.E.I. Association for the coming season, particularly in regards to raising funds for war causes, as it was too early in the season to give a definite outline of this Mr. MacKinnon stated a more definite reply would follow later. Mr. P.W. Turner stated that no doubt something would be done in this respect as far as the Charlottetown Club was concerned; which would in all probability be a moccasin dance.
Mr. MacKinnon also read another letter from the Dominion Association Secretary stating that on account of difficulties in transportation, it was the desire of the Government that the MacDonald's Brier Competition which was to be held in Saskatchewan in 1943 be canceled. Accordingly the Directors of the MacDonald's Brier Tankard announced the event would not be held in 1943 but that when conditions permitted they would be ready to carry on again. Premier Campbell expressed himself as in accord with the decision of the Dominion Curling Association and moved that their decision be accepted. This was seconded by Mr. W.R. Cruikshank.
Mr. J.F. MacLeod, Chairman of the Games Committee outlined the object of electing thirty senior skips and thirty mates and explained that it was the decision of the Executive to adopt this method. Sheets containing the names of 40 members eligible to be made skips and the names of those eligible for mates was handed to each member. It was moved by J.F. MacLeod and seconded by
J.A. Fraser that each member vote for thirty skips from the forty names eligible, and that the ten not selected skips automatically become mates and that the other 20 mates be elected from the eligible list of mates, this motion carried. Mr. J.F. MacLeod moved that J.A. Webster, A.B. Cutcliffe and D.B. Bishop act as scrutineers, this was seconded by R.D. Stoddard, motion carried.
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
October 26, 1943
The Annual Minutes of the Charlottetown Curling Club, properly called, was held in the club rooms on the above date, with the President Mr. P.W. Turner in the Chair.
Mr. E.D. Nicholson, Chairman of the Membership Committee presented his report showing the amount collected in dues which compared very favorably with the previous year. A number of members for the previous year were lost but the number was more than made up by new members. Mr. Nicholson conveyed his thanks to the members of his committee, also to Mr. Corning of the Royal Bank for their assistance.
Mr. J.F. MacLeod, Chairman of the Games Committee presented a very complete report showing the number of games played during the season and that play for every trophy had been completed. The first game of the season being played on December 16th. He expressed his thanks to his committee for their assistance in working out a schedule which proved satisfactory to all playing members.
The Chairman of the Ice Committee F.R. McLaine presented a brief report stating that the ice was excellent throughout the season. Cold weather set in early with the result that we had thirty days more curling than in the previous year.
Mr. T.W.L. Prowse for the nominating committee reported as follows: W.R. Cruikshank and A.L. MacPherson for a period of three years and R.R. Bell for a period of two years.
J.A. Fraser J.C. Montgomery
President Secretary
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
October 30, 1944
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club, properly called, was held in the club room on the above date, with the President J.A. Fraser in the Chair.
The Treasurer A.L. MacPherson presented the financial report for the year which was most satisfactory, the sum of $600.00 having been applied on the mortgage against the property held by the Eastern Trust Company.
Mr. MacPherson explained that a number of unpaid bills to the amount of about $60.00 for the canteen account had been overlooked, which would lessen the profit from the canteen to that amount.
Mr. E.D. Nicholson, Chairman of the Membership Committee in presenting this report referred to the increase in membership during his term of office of 3 years, two years ago the total membership was 136 and at the close of the present year 168. Mr. Nicholson extended his thanks to the members of his committee for their co-operation during the year.
J.F. MacLeod, Chairman of House and Entertainment Committee reported that a number of banquets were held during the season, and that the club had been host to the Island clubs playing in the British Console Competition and other Trophy Games, also to the St. John Thistle Club on March 4th.
The Nominating Committee retired and brought in the following names for a period of three years: A.W. Hyndman, P.S. Cobb, and Sterling Beaton, and for a period of two years, H.F. MacFarlane.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
J.A. Fraser, J.C. Montgomery
President, Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
October 29, 1945
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club Ltd., properly called, was held on the above date.
It was moved by P.W. Turner that a committee of three be appointed to look into this matter and report at a later meeting.
Alex W. Matheson, Harper McNeill, and G.M. Avard were suggested as Directors for a three year period, and R.S.P. Jardine for a period of two years.
The fourth nomination for the Board was made necessary when the President stated that the Secretary P.S. Cobb, had resigned at a former meeting.
Considerable discussion took place at this time regarding the desirability of each new member and also old members being required to be a stockholder in order to be a member of the club. Mr. H.R. Carruthers then made the following motion: "That every member shall be required to become a shareholder of at least one share of stock in the club on being received as a member of the club. The present members were allowed until the Annual Meeting in 1946 to procure stock. A committee of three shareholders shall be elected, one each year at the Annual Meeting to be trustees for stock offered for sale by shareholders". The motion duly seconded was carried.
In connection with the foregoing motion the following committee was appointed: R. Carruthers, D. Acorn and P.W. Turner.
Dr. E.S. Giddings then spoke in favor of a women's organization in connection with the club, and was supported by Dr. W. MacDonald and Inspector Anderson. After some discussion the following committee was appointed: Dr. E.S. Giddings, Inspector N.J. Anderson and Dr. Wendall McDonald.
This committee was asked to report at a meeting to be called when the committee on artificial ice were able to report.
On motion the meeting was then adjourned.
R.R. Bell Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
October 28, 1946
The meeting was held on October 28th, 1946 in the Charlottetown Curling rink.
The Treasurer, Mr. A.W. Matheson then presented his report. Explaining some of the items therein.
Major Knox asked some questions relative to outstanding shares.
Mr. H.R. Carruthers then suggested that a chartered accountant finally be employed and that a general ledger be started so that a proper balance sheet could be presented each year. Moved by J.H. Howatt, seconded by H.L. Sear that the Treasurer's Report be adopted. Carried.
The Chairman of the Membership Committee reported that the present membership is made up as follows:
129 Senior Members - 195 Members
32 Junior Members
34 Associate Members
Moved by H.R. Carruthers, seconded by H.C. Atkinson that this report be adopted. Carried.
Moved by H.R. Carruthers, seconded by P.W. Turner that By-Law 10 be amended as follows: By deleting the first sentence and putting in its place, " Thirty member shareholders of record at the date of any meeting shall constitute a quorum for such meeting". Discussion was led by J.H. Howatt, H.R. Carruthers and G. Avard.
The motion was carried.
Moved by Dr. Wendell MacDonald, seconded by George A. Hawkins shall be added to By-Law 25. "Before any person will be considered a member of the club, after the first of November, 1946 he must become a shareholder to the extent of at least one share of its capital stock". This motion was carried.
The Nominating Committee which had been named by the President as follows: H.L. Sear, G.G. Hughes, and J.A. Fraser now brought in their report as follows:
To be Directors for three terms J.A. Likely and E. Frank Acorn. Moved by P.W. Turner, seconded by Dr. E.A. Giddings that the nominations cease. Motion carried. The Secretary then cast one ballot and these gentlemen were declared duly elected.
J.A. Hawkins reported that he and Rankin McLaine had been in consultation with the Hobbs Glass Company, Toronto concerning glass for the Observation Room and that they could get sufficient glass in 6 weeks for the purpose at an approximate price of $375.00.
Dr. H. MacIntyre moved that Rankin McLaine be empowered to make what improvements he considered necessary to the Observation Room, seconded by Inspector Norman Anderson and carried.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Harper MacNeill
Acting Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
April 9, 1946
A Special Meeting of the Shareholders of the club having been properly called was duly held at 7pm on the above date.
W.R. Cruikshank acted as Chairman and R.S.P. Jardine as Secretary. The President reported that the campaign to sell the club bonds to install an artificial plant resulted in $11,450.00 being subscribed by 61 members with 115 members agreeing to continue membership at increased dues. 42 members either did not agree to continue membership or were undecided. The remaining numbers were not interviewed. The meeting was advised that as an insufficient amount was subscribed the monies paid would be returned to the subscribers within the course of a few days.
It was then moved by E.F. Acorn and seconded by J.A. Fraser that the Directors be empowered to put water-proof cement wall around the rink, excavate, tile, and fill with cinders as recommended by J.A. Kennedy Company and the Canadian Ice Company, install necessary ventilators, gutters and have the roof repaired. The motion was unanimously carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
W.R. Cruikshank R.S.P. Jardine
President Secretary
Charlottetown, PEI
March 15, 1946
A Special Meeting of the Shareholders of the Club having been duly called was held in the club rooms on the above date at 7:30pm.
W.R. Cruikshank acted as Chairman and R.S.P. Jardine as Secretary. The President read the report received from the Committee appointed to look into the matter of artificial ice and give a lengthy report regarding cost, etc.
T.W.L. Prowse regarding the cost of operating the forum. The President read a letter from the President of the Halifax Curling Club relative to the operation of the artificial ice plant there. Remarks were then made by N. Anderson, Ed Nicholson, J.C. MacLaughlan, D.A. MacKinnon, Geo Hawkins, Cleaver MacLean, P.R. MacCormac, Harper MacNeill, and Dr. Giddings. At this point the Present asked all those present who were willing to pay an annual fee of $30/$35 to stand, and with a few exceptions all present stood.
It was moved by G.G. Hughes and seconded by Dr. Heath MacIntyre that the Directors be empowered to appoint a finance committee and if sufficient funds could be secured to appoint a building committee and proceed with the installation of an artificial plant and to make what alternations and additions to the present building that they considered necessary.
J.H. Howatt moved an amendment that the meeting adjourn to give those present an opportunity to seriously consider the matter and to meet again at the call of the President.
Remarks relative to this were made by P.S. Cobb, Dr. W. MacDonald and P.W. Turner. It was seconded by Dr. Dougan but when put to the meeting was defeated. The original motion was then put to the meeting and carried by a very wide majority.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
W.R. Cruikshank, R.S.P. Jardine
President, Secretary
The minutes of the last Annual Meeting held October 28, 1946 and the Special Meeting of February 7, 1947 were read and approved. President Jardine presided.
The President's report was given verbally:
(a) Explained that matched stones had been ordered but delivery about a year and a half.
(b) Artificial Ice Committee composed of Jardine, Matheson, Acorn, Hughes and McLaine had been active. Tenders had been asked for and eventually contract given to John Kennedy & Co. of Saint John for $17,704-subject to increase in costs. Local contractors had done preliminary work and two contracts had been given to Matheson & Phillips entailing expenditures of $2, 670.00 and $2,084.00. Due to scarcity of pipe, installation could not be completed in time, but we were pretty well assured of delivery about the end of November.
(c) After excluding extraordinary expenditures there was a surplus of approximately $1,200.00.
(d) The President expressed sincere appreciation of efforts to fellow directors and to all others who had assisted in any way during the year with special mention for the Press.
Inspector Anderson reported that he had received a phone call to the effect that 25.000 feet of pipe was confirmed for late November shipment.
It was moved by J.F. McLeod, seconded by George Hawkins that we accept the pipe and have the plant installed at the earliest possible date. Carried.
Membership Committee - G.M. Avard reported all dues paid and a total membership of 219 comprising of :
150 Senior Curlers
38 Junior Curlers
31 Associate Members
Games Committee reported only 28 days curling.
Ice Committee gave short verbal report.
Moved by P.W. Turner, seconded by J.A. Fraser that the reports be accepted subject to the Treasurer's report being audited and that in future reports be written. Carried.
Terms of office for Directors R.S.P. Jardine, A.W. Hyndman and S.R. Beaton expired and the following were appointed: Nominating Committee: P.W. Turner, A.L. MacPherson, and A.L. MacPherson and J.C. Montgomery. After the usual formalities the following were elected directors for three years: Judge McGuigan, H.C. Atkinson, H.R. Carruthers.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
J. Andrew Likely, Secretary
OCTOBER 25, 1948
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Winchester Banquet Hall, October 25, 1948 at 8pm. President Matheson was in the Chair.
It was moved by Inspector Anderson and seconded by Clifford MacDonald that the ladies be permitted to curl and be associate members of the Charlottetown Curling Club. Details to be left in the hands of Directors. Carried.
Nominating Committee suggested for a three year term:
W.R. MacNeil, F.R. McLaine, Dr. W.L. MacDonald
For two year term Randolph Manning.
It was moved by Dr. MacIntyre and seconded by Mr. Howatt that the above report of the Nominating Committee be adopted.
Dr. MacIntyre reported a committee of:
Thane A. Campbell - President of the P.E.I. Association and Presidents of 4 membership clubs was formed to take care of the Scottish curlers overnight January 1st, 1949, and asked for three additional members from the Charlottetown Club.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
J. Andrew Likely
To the Officers and Members of the Charlottetown Curling Club
The year 1947 - 1948 had been another outstanding success. The proposal was first thought to be so enormous that we would be unwise to undertake the project. Last year a more concrete proposal was entertained and when sufficient money was subscribed by our members the contracts were let and last Fall the installation began with the rink available for curling early in the new year.
I personally had little to do with this advance in our curling history. It was my luck to be the presiding officer of your directors during the year that the work was finished. I could name several of our members who performed yeoman-like services in accomplishing the installation of the artificial ice plant but it would be most unfair.
I would be liable to forget one or more who did good work Let it be sufficient to say that the great majority of our members did everything they could to accomplish the final result.
We were extremely fortunate to get the large financial assistance which we received from many of our members. Some of these may have sacrificed to pay for the bonds for which they subscribed. We did not ask those who pledged one thousand dollars to pay more than five hundred dollars. repayment The terms of repayment of the thousand dollar subscriptions were considered to prejudice the other subscribers and consequently the amounts were not called. Your directors placed a $6,500 first mortgage with the Eastern Trust Company to make up the difference between the amounts originally subscribed and the bonds taken.
A.W. Matheson
NOVEMBER 12, 1948, 8:00 pm
Upon request of the thirteen (13) member shareholders of the Charlottetown Curling Club, the President is calling a Special General Meeting to discuss the motion passed at the Annual Meeting regarding lady members which it is claimed was unconstitutional.
Notice is hereby given that at this Special General Meeting to be held November 12th, 1948, the following will be proposed:
" That ladies be allowed membership in the Charlottetown Curling Club to curl Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons with two sheets of ice from two to five pm and Saturday night and to pay fees of $15.00 per annum if their husband is a member and $20.00 if not, and no share required.
"Also that all women be excluded from the club after 7 pm each day except Saturday night from seven to ten, unless the Directors see fit at the time of Bonspiels or any other designated time to have Open House."
J. Andrew Likely
November 12, 1948
A Special General Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Winchester Banquet Hall, November 12th, 1948 at 8pm., called by the President, on the written request of the under noted thirteen club members to discuss the unconstitutional amendment to the By-Laws Section 32, authorizing the inclusion of ladies members.
President Acorn presided.
After very lengthy discussion participated in by many of the members regarding accommodations for the ladies and their inclusion as members of the Charlottetown Curling Club, etc., it was duly moved by P.S. Cobb, and seconded by L.E. Prowse that a vote by ballot be taken on the original motion passed at the last Directors' Meeting.
The result of the ballot 31-31 threw out the motion that ladies be allowed membership in the Charlottetown Curling Club as a two-thirds majority required.
The following resignations were received:
Dr. W.L. MacDonald - as Chairman of Games Committee
W.R. MacNeill - as Chairman of Membership Committee
J.A. Likely - as Secretary
On motion the meeting adjourned.
J. Andrew Likely
December 20, 1948
A Special General Meeting was held on the above date at 8:30pm. E.F. Acorn presiding.
This meeting was called to discuss installing a wet canteen.
Moved by F.R. McLaine, seconded by George Hawkins that the Directors be authorized to install a wet canteen. Considerable discussion took place. The President appointed Dr. McDonald, Dr. Dougan, P.W. Turner, and J.A. Webster as scrutineers. The ballots were distributed and the vote resulted in 46 yes, 41 no. Motion carried.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.
E. Frank Acorn H.R. Carruthers
President Secretary
April 25, 1949
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Banquet Hall at 8pm with the President E.F. Acorn presiding.
It was moved by M.R. MacGuigan and seconded by H.L. Sear that $8.00 be collected from each curler for stones. This amount may be paid at $2.00 per year for four years. New members will not pay for stones until the second year. Carried.
The following members were appointed as a Nominating Committee: Ed Tanton, T.W.L. Prowse and Ed Nicholson. The Nominating Committee recommended the following as Directors for three years: Harper MacNeill, George Hawkins and for two years: H.R. Carruthers and F.M. Anderson.
It was moved by H.L. Sear and seconded by Dr. H. Pierce that the meeting adjourn.
E.Frank Acorn, H.R. Carruthers
President, Secretary
President and Members of the Charlottetown Curling Club:
A total of 902 scheduled games were played on the ice of the Charlottetown Curling Club during the past season. In my belief the number of games played would equal the number of games played in any three years in the past.
The Charlottetown Curling Club also played host to ten of the visiting Scottish Curlers. The rinks opposing the Scotts were made up of members of the Montague, Alberton, Summerside and Charlottetown Clubs. On a points basis Prince Edward Island won out by one point.
I am sure one and all curlers on P.E. Island who had the good fortune of meeting with the curlers from Scotland will long remember their association and contact with such excellent curlers and grand sportsmen.
Signed on behalf of the Games Committee,
J.F. MacLeod
1948 -1949
To the Officers and Members
Charlottetown Curling Club
Dear Members:
Our caretaker, Joe Chaisson worked hard this winter to give you the best of ice and service, also your Chairman of the Ice Committee, and I think it compares with any ice in Eastern Canada.
As usual the British Consol was held here in our rink and was won by the Cruikshank rink who are to be congratulated on the wonderful showing which his team made at the MacDonald Brier. Mr.Cruikshank is without a doubt one of the best and shrewdest skips to come out of these parts and all young and older curlers would do well to heed his advice and good judgement.
Our wet canteen operated this winter for the first time, and I think our members will agree that the conduct of our members was a credit of which any club might well be proud
E. Frank Acorn
April 26, 1950
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the Banquet Room at 8pm with the President H.M. MacNeill presiding.
Mr. Gordon Hughes gave a very interesting account of his trip to Scotland where he represented Prince Edward Island Curlers with the touring Canadian Curlers. Mr. Hughes showed a number of interesting lantern slides. He presented the club with a case containing the curling pins he had collected on the tour.
Nominating Committee brought in the following report that R.M. Jones, D.L. O'Rourke and J.E. Burden be elected for three years, W.R. Jenkins for two years and Dr. W.L. MacDonald for one year.
E.F. Acorn moved that the meeting adjourn, seconded by W.W. Lord.
Harper MacNeill, H.R. Carruthers
President, Secretary
April 27, 1950
Gentlemen Curlers:
This year besides doing considerable work to the property we had to pay over eighteen hundred dollars for our new matched stones and collected something over seven hundred dollars which leaves a $1,100.00 deficit. Future years will not have this outlay but will have extra money coming in over the next several years on the curling stones account.
Harper MacNeill
April 26th, 1950
To the President and Members of the Charlottetown Curling Club,
The past year was one in which all should agree we were fortunate in having artificial ice. The season opened in early December and ice was available to all who wished to curl right through to April 1st.
The British Consols club representatives were Joe Saunders, Doug Saunders, Dan O'Rourke and Dave McLeod who were successful in the Provincial Play downs and also represented the province in the Brier at Vancouver. The runners up in the Provincial Play were E.F. Acorn, Bill McNeill, C.M. Frazee and W.H. Worth.
For the first time our club was represented in the Dominion School Boys Competition at Quebec. This team consisted of Doug Cameron, Carl Reardon, Frank Acorn and Bill Platts. These boys are to be congratulated on their splendid showing
Geo. A. Hawkins
Chairman of the Games Committee
Charlottetown Curling Club Ltd.
Report of the Membership Committee
1949 - 1950
1948-49 1949-50 Decrease
Seniors@ $35.00 152 138 17
Juniors@$20.00 23 19 4
Active Associate@$20.00 30 27 3
Non Active Associate@$10.00 10 6 4
215 187 28
Charlottetown, PEI
April 30th, 1951
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at the clubrooms on the above date,
It was moved by J.E. Burden, seconded by R.M. Jones that notice of motion for amending by-laws (article 6, section 1) be amended to read as follows:
Ladies Social Member $7.50
Boys Beginner Member $5.00
School Boy Member $10.00
Motion Carried. The three new incoming directors named by the Nominating Committee were:
E.F. Acorn, W.R. MacNeill and H.R. Bevan for a three year period.
E. Frank Acorn, J.E. Burden
President, Secretary
April 27, 1951
This was the first year for Lady Curlers, and I think you will agree that as far as the ladies are concerned it has been a great success. There were about 50 lady members, which was a very good showing for the first year. They were allowed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon and Saturday night. When the Games Committee found the ice not in use every hockey night, the Ladies were offered the ice after 8:30 p.m. The Saturday night mixed curling was a great success. The ladies now have their quarters fixed up very well, and are also to be commended for their efforts in putting on banquets for us.
This has been a very difficult year because of hockey games. While hockey has not actually taken many of our members, it has disrupted our schedules. When our by-laws were amended last year provision was made to have a paid Secretary for the Games Committee.
Since I was first elected to the Executive of the club, many improvements have been made. The most important of course is the artificial ice plant. Although it is expensive to operate, it is the only way to have satisfactory curling. We certainly would have had very little curling this year if we did not have the plant. It has operated very efficiently since it was installed. This year it has been necessary to operate the plant a great many hours due to the extremely mild weather.
Respectfully submitted, H.R. Carruthers
The Curling Club
Charlottetown, PEI
Mr. President and Fellow Curlers:
I may say this has not been a pleasant winter for me. Curling this winter was as dead as it possibly could be and if it were not for the women curlers the whole place should have been embalmed.
No doubt many will lay blame at my door. It is possible that they are right but I have to be shown. Someone has said, "I cannot give you the formula for success but I can give you the formula for failure, try to please everybody." This has been one of the major sources of trouble in this club in the past number of years, by your games committee trying to please everyone in the club, and as a result I feel that the majority has been very much displeased with their curling.
The British Consol Trophy was won by Skip Frank Acorn, Johnny Squarebriggs, Bill MacNeill and Mel Jenkins.
April 30th, 1951
Mr. H.R. Carruthers, President
Charlottetown Curling Club
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Dear Sir,
During the past year a few alterations and improvements were made to our Club House. These were necessitated mainly by the admission to the club of the Ladies Division.
The front stairway was opened, which I believe was a big improvement to the appearance of the club. A new hallway was opened from the kitchen to the banquet room. This was done at the request of the ladies to facilitate the serving of meals in the banquet room. On this the ladies paid 50% of the expenses. In our Observation room seats were procured and installed so that you may sit in comfort behind the glass and watch the games in progress.
Respectfully submitted,
Geo. A. Hawkins
Chairman of the Property Committee
Charlottetown, PEI
May 30, 1952
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at the club rooms on the above date.
It was moved by W.L. MacDonald that the Directors be empowered to call for entries for competitive curling open for the club and the terms to be picked early in December. This was seconded by Johnny Squarebriggs and carried.
It was also moved by Elmer MacDonald that the executive take over the administration of the wet canteen.
Mr. Elmer MacDonald was elected to replace Mr. J.P. Campbell.
E.F. Acorn, J.E. Burden
President, Secretary - Treasurer
APRIL 15, 1952
Cash on hand $ 10.00
Cash in bank - Royal Bank of Canada 169.64
Accounts Receivable 637.00
Stock on hand 243.54 $1,060.18
Fixed Assets
Land $ 500.00
Buildings, Furniture and Fixtures at cost
(See attached analysis for details) $44,352.80
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 18,778.23 25,574.57 26,074.57
Deferred Liabilities
Mortgage Payable $ 6,500.00
Bonds Payable 13,600.00 20,100.00
Capital Stock Authorized - 1200 shares of $12.50 each
Insured and Paid up - 831 shares $10,387.50
May 30, 1952
Mr. President and Fellow Curlers,
I submit the following report of your Games Committee for the past season.
Following the bonspiels we entered into competition for the British Consols with eleven rinks competing. The winners being Had McInnis, Captain Kydd, Dr. Chris Gallant and Skip Frank Hansen. This rink won the Island Play downs at Summerside and continued on to Winnipeg as our Provincial Representatives in the MacDonald Brier Play downs.
The McLeod Trophy for first year curlers was won by a rink skipped by Don Wonnacott.
We also feel that possibly we should hold an election of mates and skips every year as is done in many places. This might keep every one of them on their toes or they could be demoted back to first or second stone.
W.R. MacNeill
Report of the Membership Committee 1951 - 1952 Season
Senior Men Curlers 119 Paid @ $ 35.00 ---- $4,165.00
Beginner Curlers 24 Paid @ $20.00 - 480.00
Boy Curlers 8 Paid @ $5.00 ---- 40.00
Boy Senior 1 Paid @ $10.00 ---- 10.00
Social Members (Men) 20 Paid @ $20.00 ---- 400.00
Associate Members 7 paid @ $10.00 ----- 70.00
Lady Curlers 51 Paid@ $15.00 --------- 765.00
Lady (Social) 8 paid @ $7.50 --------- 60.00
Above report submitted on behalf of the Membership Committee
Apr. 15th, 1952 R.M. Jones
Charlottetown, PEI May 12, 1953
The Annual Meeting of the members of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms on May 12, 1953.
The following gave their reports:
President's Report J.E. Burden
Ice Committee Report W.R. Jenkins
Games Committee Report W.R. MacNeill
Property Committee Report H.R. Bevan
Membership Committee Report R. Jones
Treasurer's Report D.L. O'Rourke
Ways & Means Committee Report E. MacDonald
Entertainment Committee Report J.C. Gallant
All the above reports were approved.
The Games Committee presented the following trophies which were won during the year:
Club Championship - W.R. MacNeill, Skip, D.O'Rourke, R. Jones, P.O'Rourke
MacLeod Trophy - W. Goss, Skip, J. Cameron, A. Cordell, D. Peterson
The Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee presented his plans for remodeling the club rooms and installing a new furnace. He estimated the cost would be about $2000.00. He asked that the General Meeting vote the Property Committee this amount. Discussion followed; those taking part were - G. Hawkins, D.O'Rourke, J.F. MacLeod, R.Carruthers, J.Campbell, W.L. MacDonald and T. Gillies. W.L. MacDonald suggested that lockers for the men should be included in the remodeling. It was moved by W.L. MacDonald and seconded by A. Bagnall that the Directors be appointed to proceed with the necessary changes, which would include lockers not to exceed $2,500.00. Motion carried.
It was moved by E. MacDonald and seconded by T. Gillies that a Foreign Games Committee be appointed with W.L. MacDonald, Chairman, and the members to be J.F. MacLeod and some other member. Motion carried.
The Nominating Committee brought in the following report: W.R. MacNeill, J.J. Morris, R. Parker, A. Bagnall and J.C. Gallant, W.R. MacNeill and H.R. Bevan.
It was moved by J.F. MacLeod and seconded by R. Carruthers that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.
Following the Annual Meeting the new Executive held their first meeting. The officers for the coming year are as follows:
President - W.R. MacNeill
Vice President - J.J. Morris
Treasurer - R.A. Parker
Secretary - J.C. Gallant
Ice Committee - A. Bagnall
Games Committee - L. Turner
Entertainment Committee - H.R. Bevan
Property (Ways & Means) - E. MacDonald
Membership Committee - J.J. Morris
Meeting adjourned.
W.R. MacNeill, J.C Gallant
May 17, 1955
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the club rooms on May 17th , 1955 with a large percentage of the membership in attendance.
The President Mr. J.J. Morris presented a very comprehensive report on the club's activities for the year. Upon motion of adoption, his report was seconded by Mr. Ralph Jones.
The matter of bringing guests to the club came in for considerable discussion, and it was suggested that a guest book be available for signatures of non-members sponsored by members. It was moved by Mr. T. Gillies and seconded by Mr. D. O'Rourke that a guest book be purchased and that non-members introduced by members sign the guest registrar under the supervision of a Commissionaire.
The Nominating Committee recommended that Mr. L.E. Wellner Jr. And Dr. Wen MacDonald be elected as Directors of the curling club.
The Directors held a meeting after the closing of the Annual Meeting and the following officers and committee chairmen were elected:
President - Mr. J.J. Morris
Secretary - Treasurer - Mr. R.A. Parker
Membership - Mr. J. Simmonds
Property - Mr. Ed Wood
Vice President - Mr. A.B. Bagnall
Games Committee - Mr. L.E. Wellner
Ways & Means - Mr. Art Roper
Ice - Dr. Wen MacDonald
J.J. Morris, R.A. Parker
President, Secretary
Charlottetown Curling Club
Ways and Means
April 16, 1954 - May 2, 1955
Revenue from all sources $ 23,014.01
Stock and Cash handed to new committee 600.00
$23, 614.29
Expenses, etc.
PEI Temperence Commission 9,736.45
Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, etc. 1,872.71
Orchestra 773.00
Extra Help 195.00
Curling Club 10,661.03
Club Pins 200.00
Miscellaneous 176.10
$23, 614.29
May 15, 1956
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held May 15th, 1956 in the Banquet Hall with the President Mr. J.J. Morris presiding.
Dr. MacDonald reported on the possibility of having the MacDonald Brier Championship held here in 1964. After remarks by A. Likely and W.R. MacNeill it was moved and seconded by E. MacDonald and D. O'Rourke that this club endeavor to have the 1964 championship playoffs in Charlottetown.
The President appointed a Nominating Committee of G. Hawkins, R. McLaine and W.R. MacNeill upon their recommendation the following were elected Directors:
Dr. L.E. Prowse
Wendall McLaine
Hugh Simpson
Meeting adjourned.
The Directors held a meeting after the General Meeting and the following officers and chairmen were appointed:
President - Dr. W.L. MacDonald
Vice President - A.H. Roper
Secretary - Treasurer - Dr. L.E. Prowse
Games - Wendall McLaine, L.E. Wellner Jr.
Membership - Hugh Simpson, J.A. Simmonds
Ways and Means - E. Wood, A.H. Roper
Property - L.E. Wellner, Jr.
Ice - Dr. MacDonald
J.J. Morris, R.A. Parker
President, Secretary
May 15, 1957
It was moved by L.E. Prowse, seconded by A.H. Roper that the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting be adopted as read. Carried.
Property - A Ladies Locker Room was added in the basement at a cost of approximately $600.00.
The Nominating Committee of F.R. McLaine, Jim Cameron and Doug Saunders brought in the slate of four Directors to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of J.A. Simmonds, E. Wood, A.H. Roper and the resignation of L.E. Wellner.
Norman Nicholson, Earl MacLeod, Gordon Bennett, Robert Pitt
L.E. Prowse
May 15, 1957
Fellow Curlers:
A year ago your Executive appointed me as Chairman and as a result your President.
First, in the rink as mentioned in the Ice Report, $700 to $800.00 was spent on headers, digging up Ice #1 and putting in sand. Second, about $1,000.00 was spent making the ice plant automatic. Third, not before time we felt if we were to have slot machines we should own them and they cost us a little over $2,500.00. We spent $500.00 or more on the ladies locker room. All these, however, are essentials and are assets to the club.
As you heard from the Chairman of the Games, we curled more this year than ever and the Chairman and his co-workers deserve much praise for their untiring efforts on your behalf. When we realize many of us join other clubs, for instance the Golf Club, pay our dues, buy clubs, golf balls, caddy carts, etc. and then put on our own, we wonder why the average curler desires so much attention to get him on the ice, and when we do, his first question is "What are we curling for?"
The Confederation Bonspiel was quite successful financially and I am sure, from a curling aspect. Since it has become the club bonspiel I think we should spend less on advertising from without. If we have $2,000.00 in prizes I know of no more deserving of winning it than our own club members.
Our Ladies Branch also had an active year. They add greatly to our club in all of its activities. Without them in my opinion have had a very rough time of it over the past several years. I would take this opportunity of thanking Mar Worth and her ladies for their fine co-operation.
We are having the Dominion School Boy Championship and the whole club will have to get behind Rankin MacLean. If we want the Senior event here in 1964 we will have to put this over in 1958. We had decided to hold our Confederation Bonspiel in February. This will have to be earlier and another date will have to be picked.
We paid off the mortgage and $1,500.00 in bonds and at the present rate the bond issue should be paid off by 1960 or 1961 whereas this initial promise was for 1968.
Respectfully submitted,
W.L. MacDonald
Charlottetown, PEI
May 13, 1958
Fellow Curlers,
For ten years we have been paying rock dues of $2.00 a year for four years per member and personally I think this item could be stricken from our dues. The rocks have long been paid for and should be good for ten years more.
We were very fortunate in having a large number of visitors to our club in the past year mainly due to the Dominion High School Curling Championship. We were all so proud of the showing of our boys in this exceptionally keen competition and we nearly took it all. We had the Beausejour represented in a one day affair and both clubs enjoyed the hospitality very much. An effort should be made the next Fall to have the Beaver Club over here for a mixed get-together some Saturday afternoon and evening and pay a return visit to the Beausejour Club.
Our MacDonald Brier representatives made the best showing of any Island team to date and we look forward to years of top curling from this team - To them may I extend our Congratulations.
May I at this time suggest we tear down the old rink and put up a modern five sheet rink with an observation room up here. Our present club room is quite adequate but our rink is not.
Of late it is getting harder and harder to get executive members to work for they feel that since we are making money we should hire personnel to do the work that former members were quite willing to do, this I can understand, however, a church that is out of debt is not necessarily a healthy one and similarly we find that when our debt was high many were quite willing to help in any way they could. As a result we have had a very active and healthy club. But the Elmer MacDonald's, Chris Gallant's, Art Roper's, and Ed Wood's are not available.
We would have little or no trouble in borrowing money with the collateral we have. With five sheets of ice we could accommodate more members and with a combined effort we could pay for the rink in ten years. I would suggest then that we seriously consider re-building.
W.L. MacDonald
Charlottetown, PEI
May 15, 1958
The President called the Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club to order at 7:30pm.
R. LeClair suggested that two things be taken into consideration by the Incoming Executive.
1. The building of a new rink.
2. The appointing of the exterior of the club house as soon as possible.
The President read the minutes of an Executive Committee meeting held on April 22, 1958 indicating that the Executive had decided to pay off bond holders to the amount of $5,000.00 leaving no indebtedness in the club. This decision lead to the resignation of L.E. Prowse as he considered that this decision was ultra vires of the Executive. On a motion by F. MacLeod, seconded by R. Jones the financial statement was adopted.
The President suggested that the sum of $25.00 be contributed to the Policemen's Fund in recognition of the attention given to our club by members of the Charlottetown Police Force inasmuch as they had visited the club during the silent hours to check on any outside attention that may be going on.
Discussion regarding a new rink: F. Hansen stated that a venture of this magnitude must be very carefully investigated before committing ourselves to any contract.
Dr. Prowse quoted from letter of resignation suggesting that the Executive did not have the authority to pay off $5,000.00. W.R. MacNeill stated that there were precedents for the execution of the action of the Executive.
Further explanation of precedents of a similar nature given by Dr. Wen.
F. Acorn discussed the original bonds and stated that they were to be paid whenever the money was available.
Randolph Carruthers stated that the Executive has the authority to pay bonds up to a limit of $100.00 or less so stated in the bond itself.
F. Hansen stated that paying off bonds was not an expenditure but merely a transfer of money.
It was moved by A. Bagnall and seconded by W.R. MacNeill that the meeting back the Executive in the payment of the $5,000.00. This motion was carried unanimously.
It was moved by C. MacDonald and seconded by R. Jones that the dues collected for stones be discontinued. Carried.
It was moved by R.Carruthers and seconded by L.E. Prowse that the Confederation Bonspiel be held the week of March 9th, 1959.
The Nominating Committee consisting of R. Parker, D. Cameron and H. Atkinson than brought in a slate of officers to be added to the Executive for the 1958 -59 season. They were A. Love, D. Wonnacott and B. LeClair.
Meeting adjourned on a motion of E. MacInnis, seconded by D.O'Rourke.
H. Simpson, R. LeClair
President, Secretary
Charlottetown Curling Club
May 7, 1959
The following reports were given by the various Chairmen. The reports in all cases were accepted.
Entertainment - A. Love
Ice - Jim Cameron
Membership - D. Wonnacott
Games - E.G. MacLeod
Ways and Means - W. McLaine
Property - A. Love
On a motion by F. MacLeod, seconded by Ralph Jones the reports were accepted by the meeting.
The suggestions for improving conditions for the coming season made from the floor were very acceptable.
Danny O'Rourke suggested that for various competitions names would be requested and we would know who wishes to participate in each competition and avoid games being forfeited because of lack of players.
Sterling MacDonald suggested that perhaps there were too many less than Eight-Year curlers. Chris Gallant suggested that we go back to more social curling with small prizes such as grapefruit, etc.
Moved by Dr. Wen MacDonald and seconded by Rankin McLaine that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
G.L Bennett, R.J. LeClair
President, Secretary
Annual Meeting Charlottetown Curling Club
May 16, 1966 8:00 p.m.
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held on Wednesday, May 16 with 60 members in attendance. President Ken Jenkins presiding.
Our new ice making machine was mentioned with particular reference to the importance of good keen ice. This machine also reduced to a reasonable extent our condensation problem.
Under the Chairmanship of Cliff Campbell. Cliff pointed out the fact that this year the outside of the Club, sign and window trim were all painted.
Bob Dillon reported on the purchase of the new propane gas ice cleaner and the wet-dry vacuum which made a big improvement to the condition of the ice. The matter of keen ice was discussed at length and particular attention was focused with reference to the condition of Ice One.
Condition of Ice One:
All these suggestions and ideas were discussed at length with the result upon motion it was so moved by Bill Davis and seconded by J. Squarebriggs Jr. that:
A committee be formed to look into the feasibility of using steel or railroad rails or similar materials to be driven or placed at a depth required to find a good foundation as a starting point in order to alleviate the present condition. Motion Carried.
The report read by William Crockett stated that we now have 220 active male curlers and 84 social for a total of 304, while we have 164 active lady curlers and 61 social members giving a total of both active and social membership of 529.
New Business:
First on the agenda under new business was motion so moved by J. Squarebriggs Jr. seconded by Bill Davis that: Club pins in sufficient number be given to the teams representing the club at Dominion Bonspiels. Motion Carried.
Election of Officers:
Nominating Committee consisting of the following members: Chairman - Dr. Christopher Gallant, Gordon Stewart and Daniel O'Rourke. There were five vacancies with the following members being nominated. William Davis, Lou Bagnall, Paul O'Rourke, Walter Reddin and Clarey Flemming. It was so moved by Dr. Chris Gallant and seconded by Don Stanhope that these nominations be accepted. Motion Carried
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held on Wednesday, May 17th at 8pm with 24 members in attendance.
The Membership Chairman's report was read by Walter Reddin. We now have 180 active male curlers and 86 social members for a total of 266 while we have 155 lady curlers and 56 social members giving a total of both active and social membership of 477.
Ice Chairman stated new caps were attained for curling stones, the roof of the rink was painted and a lot of work done on Ice #1. He recommended there were two things which require our immediate attention. First something must be done to fix the roof because of the terrible dripping problem and secondly the only way we can have reasonably good ice year round is to have a suspended floor.
We were able to show a net profit of $1,304.00.
New Business:
Dr.Wendall MacDonald gave remarks questioning the condition of the roof. He also stated that the amount of competitive curling is spread over too long a period and a lot of curlers do not get a chance to curl during these bonspiels. He also recommended that Dominion and Provincial Playdowns be held at the same time as the Ladies Provincial, Senior and High School. He also suggested Provincial Playdowns be limited to 24 teams and be played from Wednesday to Saturday.
He also gave an outline plan of a rink having the same trouble we were having and he moved that we proceed with Ice #1 & #5 this year with the insulation of 2 inches of foam, 1 inch of sand over pipes with cross ventilation, and get an estimate for a window at the other end of the rink for ventilation to try and dry out the rink surface. This was seconded by Dr. Chris Gallant.
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Ken Jenkins that the Executive pick the representatives to the Provincial Curling Association and that the representatives bring back a report to the Annual Meeting. Seconded by Dr.Wendall MacDonald. Motion Carried.
The Chairman stated the new constitution and by-laws were ready for use for all members and extended a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Chris Gallant and Randolph Carruthers for the time and effort put into this very important part of our club.
Report of Nominating Committee:
The Nominating Committee consisted of Ken Jenkins, Dr. Chris Gallant and Danny O'Rourke. There were four vacancies with the following being nominated.
Donald Stanhope
Ken Thompson
Don Hutchinson
Mitch MacLean
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held on May 15th, 1968 at 6:30pm. with dinner catered by the Ladies Branch followed by the Annual Meeting and presentation of prizes with approximately 80 members in attendance.
Presidents ReportIn his report he recommended the laying of insulation foam on Ice Lanes #2,#3,#4.
Ice Chairman Bobby reported two Air Vents were installed at the far end of the rink, new caps for stones and sixty new pipes were replaced. Ice Lane #1 and #5 had a major job done and he recommended that the rest of the ices be done the same way.
A neat profit of $1,554.00 was reported for the year.
Remarks Concerning Reports
Dr. Wen MacDonald stated that the City should be approached stating that our club brings in close to 200 teams from outside the city during the winter months and if this was brought before the City of Charlottetown maybe some consideration could be given regarding our taxes.
He also said electric wire along gutters would be the cheapest way, as we are on demand meter and there would be no increase in the electric bill. He also stated that the ice surface should be lengthened by one foot as some curlers needed it for kickback. The rink temperatures should be 33 or 34 degrees at all times. As far as a Manager was concerned, he stated that we could get other opinions on this item. He also stated that condensation was the main problem with the dripping on the ice.
It was moved by Dr. Wen that another general meeting be called when estimate costs of repairs on this matter was arrived at. Seconded by Harry Douglas.
Motion Carried
It was moved by Dr. Chris Gallant that we follow through with Ice rink#2,#3,and #4 with foam. This was seconded by Kenny Jenkins. Motion Carried.
Property Chairman John presented the report on the property of a new roof on the club house, furniture repaired, tables were converted in the banquet hall to smaller tables.
Mens Active 197 members, Mens Social 95 members, Ladies Active 179 members, Ladies Social 59 members. A total of 530 members.
Nominating Committee Report
Cliff Campbell, Chairman of the Nominating Committee presented the report of the Nominating Committee as follows:
Joe Shelfoon
George Schleyer
Harvey Campbell
We again operated the club during the summer months with special dances, lobster and chicken parties.
For the past number of years great discussions have taken place regarding our ice. Finally two years ago, it was decided to try on ices one and five, a type of foam insulation which seemed to work out remarkably well. In fact, it worked out so well, that we decided to do the rest of the ices in this manner in the past year, and I think that you will all agree that the ice in the past year has been the best ice that we have had at our club in a number of years.
This past year, previous to the curling season, we also had some work done on the walls giving them a complete painting job. This helped greatly to give the rink a much brighter and nicer appearance.
Alan Smith's team, Dr. Wen's team, and the ladies team of Marie Toole all finished in third place in their respective Dominion Playdowns, a feat any club in Canada would be proud to be a part of.
Our Confederation Bonspiel was a great success. This year we added another day to this bonspiel now making it a full ten day bonspiel.
C.E . Ready
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at 6:30pm. on Wednesday, May 21st, 1969 with President Kip in chair.
Membership Chairman's Report
Present membership at Active male curlers 188, Mens social 126, Ladies Active 188, Ladies social 65.
Kitchen Chairmans Report
The kitchen showed a profit of $2,725.00 for the year.
Ice Chairmans Report
Chairman George presented a well prepared detailed report on Ice stating the work that had been done and all the success it was. He mentioned rink temperatures 27 to 29 degrees, thickness of ice 1 ½ inches in January rolled down to ½ to 3/4 inch by the end of season. Cleanliness of ice this past season and also the boot cleaner.
Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee consisting of Clarey Flemming, Chairman Cliff Campbell and Kenny Jenkins submitted the following names to act on the Executive for the year 1969-70.
George Trainor
Arthur Wright
Pat Gougan
Phil Perry
Irving MacKinnon
Annual Meeting Charlottetown Curling Club
Banquet Hall of the club
May 20, 1970
Mr. T.W.L. Prowse was given an Honorary/Life membership to the Charlottetown Curling Club.
The following reports were presented:
Property - John MacDonald
Membership - Phil Perry
Entertainment (Bingo)- Irving MacKinnon
Publicity - Bill Jardine
Games - George Trainor
Ice - George Schleyer
Kitchen - Ken Thompson per Bill Jardine
Bar - Pat Goguen per George Trainor
Presidents Report - Harvey Campbell
Nominating Committee - Chairman: Cliff Campbell
Nominations from the floor were held. Names submitted: Paul O'Rourke, Henry Peters, Wen Cudmore, Ken MacDonald, Lock Llewellyn, Merrill Pursey, Ken Jenkins, Dave Cox. Nominations ceased.
Vote: 1. Merrill Pursey, Earl Elliot, Bill Jardine
The following are the Executive for the Charlottetown Curling Club 1970-71:
George Schleyer - President
Bill Jardine - Ways and Means - Treasurer
George Trainor - Vice President and Kitchen
Earl Elliot - Games
Irving MacKinnon - Entertainment
Art Wright - Secretary
Phil Perry - Membership
Pat Goguen - Publicity
Merrill Pursey - Property
Harvey Campbell - Ice
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the banquet hall of the club May 19th, 1971.
The following annual reports were presented:
Ice - Harvey Campbell
Membership - Loch Llwellyn - per George Trainor
Kitchen - George Trainor
Games - Earl Elliot
Entertainment (Bingo) - Irving MacKinnon
Property - Merrill Pursey
President George Schleyer gave his report.
Members Nominated: Wen Cudmore, George Marion, George Kays and Danny O'Rourke.
Proposed amendments to by-laws were brought forward and discussed:
First amendment Article 4 "If for medical reasons a director is not able to curl any year of his three (3) year term, he shall be able to remain on the executive if he wishes and be required to pay social dues only for that year".
Moved by Dr. Wen MacDonald and seconded by Fred Brown that article 4 be amended as read. Carried.
Second amendment article 4 section (1) "That Article 4 Section 1, be amended to include 13 members on the Board of Directors, 3 of whom shall be active members of the Charlottetown Ladies Curling Club."
Moved by Dr. Wen MacDonald and seconded by Ken Jenkins that Article 4, Section 1, be amended as read. Carried.
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held in the banquet hall on May 17th, 1972 with 75 members present. A buffet was served prior to the meeting.
The President reported that Mr. Harry Hill was given an honourary life membership in the club.
President's Report
President George Trainor stated that four rinks represented our club in various competitions, namely:
Dr. Chris Gallant's rink in the Seagram's Stone; Cliff Ready's rink at the Brier, Bob Dillon's rink at the Mixed and Marie Toole's rink at the MacDonald's Lassie.
Kitchen Committee
Mr. Earl Elliot reported that the kitchen had realized a profit of $2,859.00.
Membership Committee
Mr. Wen Cudmore reported that the men's membership had gone up to one hundred and eighty-four active and one hundred and eleven social. Ladies membership stood at one hundred and eighty active and one hundred social.
Bingo Report
Mr. Irving MacKinnon presented a bingo report which showed that thirty-eight bingos had been held during the year, showing a profit of $2,374.00.
Mr. Ken Jenkins moved and Mr. Roger Goss seconded that the reports be passed.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was decided that the admission charge of $ .50 per member be continued for the following year.
The Nominating Committee recommended that Gus Gallant, Freeman Miles and Garth Stewart be added to the Executive for a three year period.
Amendments to By-Laws
Mr. George Kays advised that 4 amendments to the By-Laws had been duly posted and he put them forth as follows: (1) Article 6 Section 1 be amended to read that the annual dues for men curlers be $70.00 and lady curlers $35.00.
(b) Article 6 Section 3 be amended to read that the names of the members in arrears of their dues be posted on January 16, rather than February 1st.
(c) Article II Section 3 be amended to read that limits on amounts at stake in poker games be $.25 and $.50.
(4) Article 3 Section 3 be amended by adding after the Section that "No social member shall have the right to vote at any meeting."
Upon motion by Dr.Wendall MacDonald, seconded by Hessell MacLean, the amendments were carried.
New Business
Mr. Bob Wall stated that a new microphone should be purchased for the club to be used for Bingo.
The Annual Meeting of the Charlottetown Curling Club was held at the Club on May 16, 1973 with 77 members present.
Presidents Report
The President, Mr. Earl Elliot, advised that the club had to restrict its membership during the year.
Mr. Merrill Percy advised that during the past year a new propane ice melting machine had been purchased and two propane furnaces had been installed on the ice surfaces to eliminate condensation problems.
Mrs. Lois Hennessey reported on behalf of Garth Stewart that the club had to curtail the number of men curlers during the past year due to the number seeking membership. One hundred and ninety-four (194) active men curlers had paid dues and one hundred and ninety (190) active women curlers. He advised that there were two hundred and eighteen (218) social members including both men and women. He also stated that the outstanding dues owing as of April 30 amounted to only $219.00
Mr. Dale Snowdon advised that the year curling activities had been highlighted by the National Ladies Bonspiel, the National Seagram's Mixed Bonspiel which had been held at the club.
Mr. Daniel O'Rourke reported that excessive repairs had been made to the club during the past year totaling $9,500.00 and also that new additional equipment had been purchased for the club totaling in excess of $12,000.00.
Bingo Report
Mr. Irving MacKinnon reported that 46 bingos had been held during the year showing an average profit of slightly under $40.00 per night. Mr. MacKinnon also stated that if there were additional accommodations the club would make more money on the bingos.
Treasurer's Report
Mr. Daniel O'Rourke reported that despite the large expenditures which had been made during the year the club made a profit in excess of $11,000.00.
Dr. Wendall MacDonald pointed out that for the first time in his memory the women's membership equaled that of the men's.
The report of the Nomination Committee was made by George Trainor. The new members of the executive as brought forward by the Nominating Committee were Ray Bagnall, John Fortier, Art Ballem, and Bill Hanes. It was moved by William Acorn, seconded by Greg Hood that the report of the Nominating Committee be accepted. Carry.
The Secretary read the proposed amendments to the by-laws which were as follows:
. Article 3 be amended by adding a Section II, the following:
"No person shall be admitted as a member of the club who is under the age of 18". Upon vote the amendment was carried.
. Article 7 be amended by adding thereto the following as Section 6: "Those persons admitted as members of the club upon payment of one-half of the regular yearly dues shall have no voting privileges at any meeting." Upon vote the amendment carried.
Meeting of the Executive of the Charlottetown Curling Club held May 16, 1973. Present:
Ray Bagnal,l Art Ballum, Freeman Miles, John Fortier, Ken MacDonald, Lois Hennessey, Wendall Cudmore, Jean Garnhum, Daniel O'Rourke
Mr. Freeman Miles, President, in the chair.
Mr. O'Rourke stated that no major renovations had been undertaken during the year. New items which had been purchased during the year were the pop machine, cooler, new T.V. set, and adding machine for a total capital expenditures of $1,800.00. Repairs and painting to the club rooms and rink amounted to $5,300.00 during the year.
Mr. Garth Stewart reported that there had been 357 active members and 221 social members during the year.
Mr. Phil Perry, on behalf of Mr. Irving MacKinnon stated that a net profit on Bingo for the year amounted to $2,400.00.
Report of Nominating Committee
Nominated the following: Donald Hutchinson, David Likely, Dr. Wendall MacDonald, Merrill Wigginton, Fred Brown and Louis Watts.
May 14, 1975
Mr. Wigginton's report stated that membership active and social for the year was Men -291, Ladies- 262.
Mr. Bagnall stated that additions to property were $750 and repair/painting costs were $3,085.00.
Mr. Richard stated that ten bulletins were sent out during the year.
New Business
The Nominating Committee with Earl Elliot as Chairman and George Trainor, Freeman Miles members presented their report as follows:
Rick Richard, Errol Nicholson & Rick Callaghan - 3 years
Luci Jardine - 1 year, Jennie Boomhower - 2 years
Barb Squarebriggs - 3 years
We, your Executive for the 1975-76 had what we feel to be a very successful year.
. The most obvious was the terrific job done by the ladies with the room downstairs.
. We bought our own pool table .
. The kitchen was leased to a private individual.
. We decided that since the ladies paid over $10,000.00 in dues, we would pay their Association dues out of general revenue instead of having them put on a project or projects to raise revenue for this purpose.
. We did away with a New Year Levee and had a closed New Year's Eve Dance.
The following is my report as Chairman of the Membership Committee:
Members 1976 1975
Men, Active, 202 203
Social 93 88
295 291
Ladies, Active 182 174
Social 95 88
277 262
May 12, 1976
President Dr. Wen gave his report. The committee reports were tabled and accepted as presented.:
Property - Reagh Bagnall
Membership - Errol Nicholson
Ice - Lou Watts
Ways & Means - Merrill Wigginton
Publicity - Dave Likely
Games - Rick Callaghan
Entertainment - Richard Brown
Kitchen - Fred Brown
After considerable discussion it was decided that we should provide club brooms on the ice.
President, Dr. Wen noted that our congenial bookkeeper Gil would not be allowed to continue for the club due to Doctor's orders and health and suggested that Mr. Henry be made an Honorary Life member. Ken Jenkins so moved, seconded by Earl Elliot, motion passed unanimously.
The report of the Nominating Committee was presented by Chairman John Fortier as follows:
Jerry Muzika
Art Bingham
Lea Gill
All for a period of three years. There being no further nominations from the floor, John Fortier moved nomination cease, seconded by Ken MacDonald.
Following a vote, as there were only two positions vacant, Mr. Muzika and Mr. Bingham were elected to the vacant positions.
President's Report
We, the 1976-77 executive had what we feel was a reasonably successful curling year considering that we had a costly breakdown of our brine chiller equipment, new cash register, the hold back on the new furnace and the cost of the attempt to provide additional space in the basement. These expenses coupled with a severe loss of revenue from the games machines and a drop in bar sales has not made this year a financial success.
A general meeting was held on July 14th at which time approval was given to renovate the basement area of the club. This project was discontinued when we found a concrete wall running the full length of the area under consideration.
Ways and Means Report
The Ways and Means report for the most part is contained in the financial statements.
The pool table has provided numerous hours of play for many members. The machines were removed in very early March resulting in a good loss of revenue.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Muzika
May 17, 1977
The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by Jerry Muzika who then moved the adoption of the secretary's report seconded by Don Hutchinson.
The Committee Reports were tabled and accepted as presented.
Ways & Means - Jerry Muzika
Property - Lou Watts
Memberships - Rick Richard
Ice - Fred Brown
Publicity - Dave Likely
Games - Rick Callaghan
Entertainment - Art Bingham
Kitchen - Errol Nicholson
Dr. Wen MacDonald thanked the executive and then read out several complaints which were:
- The condition of the ice was the worst that he has seen in this club in the past ten years. It may be due to the burner or the insulation and suggested both be looked into and consideration be given to hiring casual labour to help clean the ice and reduce costs.
- The handling of the games left a lot to be desired. For instance too many competitions were started and not finished like Keen Ice starting in October and finishing in April, no games scheduled on Friday nights, etc. and suggested a record be kept of who curls and how often.
- The ladies were getting prime time yet their dues are less and they don't spend the money at the bar that the men would, and suggested attempting to revive mixed curling by getting something started like a competition that would have as many as 35 teams to curl Wednesday and Saturday nights.
- Change the format of the Confederation Bonspiel to something like 60 teams curling for three days, closing the club for three months in the summer.
- That consideration be given to placing social members on the executive without a vote to try to increase the number of social memberships.
The following notice of motion was read by Jerry Muzika:
It is proposed to amend the by-laws of the Charlottetown Curling Club specifically Article 6, Section 2, to provide that all dues will become due and payable not later than December 15.
Doug Cameron seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion was carried.
The report of the Nominating Committee was presented by Chairman Dr. Wen MacDonald, as follows:
Dr. Wayne Matheson
Albert Mosher
Babs Fitzgerald
Gerald Hood
Soupy Campbell
There being no nominations from the floor, Dan MacDonald moved nominations cease, seconded by Earl Elliot.
November 23, 1977
David Kassner moved the meeting be opened, seconded by Peter McCrady.
The President, Rick Richard read the agenda for the meeting. He then asked the Treasurer, Jerry Muzika to present his report on income and expenses from May 1, 1977 to October 31, 1977.
After some discussion, Jack Brown moved, seconded by Ron Chabassol, that the executive decision regarding rising membership dues and bar prices stand.
A secret vote was held with David MacLeod, Mike Fitzgerald, Red Howatt, and Bob Dillon in charge of counting the votes. Results of vote was: yes -44, no-14, in favour of the executive decision.
Motion Carried
Special Meeting
May 3, 1978
Present: Errol Nicholson Albert Mosher
Rick Callaghan Gerald Hood
Rick Richard Soupy Campbell
Jerry Muzika Wayne Matheson
The meeting was officially opened by Rick Richard, who stated the reason for calling this meeting was because the Executive members had received numerous requests from the lady curlers as to why they did not have a right to vote at Special and General meetings of our club. He further mentioned that the Human Rights Commission indicated to us that the present position of the club did not contravene any particular clause of the Human Rights Act.
However, the Commission feels that the club's position contravenes the spirit and intent of the Act. Although the Executive did not receive a request from the Ladies Executive to hold this meeting, the Executive felt that the male members should give consideration to the present by-laws on the subject.
After some discussion, Dr. Wen MacDonald moved that we get together with the Executive of the Belvedere Golf & Winter Club to consider letting the ladies of both clubs curl at Belvedere and all male member curlers at our club. No one seconded the motion.
After further discussion, Moe Sherry moved, seconded by Frank Robinson, that the by-laws be amended to allow lady active curlers of our club to become shareholders so as to give them the right to vote at Special and General meetings.
A secret ballot vote was held with 28 voting yes and 9 voting no. This being a 2/3 majority, the motion was carried.
October 18, 1978
President Kip convened the meeting at 8:15pm. 49 members were present. He said the meeting had been called in response to suggestions made at the last Annual Meeting that a Special Meeting be called to discuss 1978-79 games arrangements.
Review of By-Laws and Constitution
Before proceeding, the President reported that the Executive had formed a committee to review and make recommendations about the Constitution and By-Laws of the club. Bill MacFarlane, chairperson of the committee, read a brief report (copy attached) indicating that most of the basic research had been undertaken, but that about six weeks work would be required to produce recommendations. Jerry Muzika asked if the incorporation of the club was being examined. MacFarlane indicated that this, also, was being examined, but no firm views had been formed yet.
President Kip said the Games Committee proposed to follow the "ladder" system for competitions. Both team and individual entries would be received for each competition. Team entries would be "seeded" the first two or three of four sections depending on the number of team entries. Individual entries would be formed into teams in the fourth and possibly the third section. Competitions would be modified round-robins running three to four weeks with each section curling the same two nights each week during the competition. For the next competition the two top teams in sections B,C, and D would move up while the bottom two of A, B, and C would move down. Teams could stay together for the next competition, or break up and enter as single entries at their option.
President Kip closed the discussion by indicating that the system could be tried 'till Christmas to see how it goes.
Ice Report for 1977-1978 Curling Season
Our first priority for the season was to have a general inspection of the ice making equipment and to install safety valves and related piping as requested by the boiler inspector. This was a necessary repair following a break-down in October, 1976. These parts and equipment had been ordered by the previous ice chairman and had arrived during the summer of 1977. I would like to thank Storey Electric and Mr. Jack Vautour for their prompt and courteous assistance in completing this task.
President's Report
Welcome to your Annual Meeting for the curling year 1977-78. Tonight's Annual Meeting marks the first time that the lady curling members will exercise their rights as full voting members and shareholders of the Charlottetown Curling Club.
At the October Executive meeting, we felt it necessary to increase the Bar prices in the club from .80¢ to .90¢ per drink. This was necessary because of the obvious rising costs of operation and the apparent decrease in our membership revenue caused by a decrease in members. This decision met with some opposition and twenty-eight (28) members requested in writing that a special meeting be called to discuss increases in Membership fees and bar prices. At this special meeting on November 23, 1977, I am happy to say that the members voted 44-14 in favour of the Executive's decision.
Two weeks ago, on May 3, 1978, another special meeting was called, this time by the Executive of the club. We wanted to give the members the opportunity to change the club by-laws, so that the lady curlers would have the same rights and privileges as men curling members. A motion was made and carried on a vote of 29 - 9 to give ladies voting rights in the affairs of the club.
We have made arrangements to have pictures in the club of our members who have been inducted into the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame. This will be done within a few weeks.
May 17, 1978
President, Rick Richard, gave his report followed by the reports of the Executive Committee Chairmen in the following order:
Property - Gerald Hood
Entertainment - Albert Mosher for Art Bingham
Publicity and Junior Games - Soupy Campbell
Kitchen - Albert Mosher
Games - Rick Callaghan
Ice - Wayne Matheson
Ways and Means - Babs Fitzgerald
Membership - Errol Nicholson
Confederation Bonspiel, Special Report - Earl Elliot
Treasurer's - Jerry Muzika
Dr. Wen MacDonald stated that in his opinion, three chairman didn't do their jobs. The Membership chairman should have introduced all new members to the Games chairman and Drawmaster so as to have them familiar with the procedure and our facilities.
With regard to games, he was scheduled to only play twenty-four games all year; that in the middle of January games were scheduled for 7:30 but nobody was showing up because the paper had showed games 64, 72, etc, and nobody knew who was to play; teams quitting after six ends and defaulting games; competitive curlers were fighting among themselves at year end; that Roger was here only fifteen per cent of the time during February and probably received full pay; that this is the reason we lost members; that we had good ice during the Junior Championships but terrible during most other times, especially with dripping and again the Executive didn't do anything about the dripping after hearing complaints last year and on many occasions this year. He suggested we make ice after 10:00pm and not when we are scheduled to curl; that we can get losers to clean ice, that we don't need to pebble the ice 3 - 4 times a day. He then made reference to the policy at the Victoria Curling Club where each member must put in 12 hours each season performing various tasks on a volunteer basis; for example, one person sells tickets for drinks, while others pour; and finally that people renting the upstairs shouldn't be able to come downstairs.
The report of the Nominating committee was presented by the Chairman, Don Hutchinson, as follows:
Bill MacFarlane
Peter McCrady
Bill MacGregor
Jim Fletcher
The motion was seconded by Dr. Wen.
Frank Robinson moved the nomination of Kip Ready.
Art Wright moved nominations cease, seconded by Gloria Large.
Since there were five candidates for four positions, a secret vote was held and the following were elected to the new Executive:
Jim Fletcher
Kip Ready
Bill MacFarlane
Bill MacGregor
Wayne Matheson moved, seconded by Fred Brown that we purchase the evaporator-condenser. After some discussion about checking the size of the pipe to possibly reduce it to decrease the volume of work, the motion was carried.
The ensuing discussion, while generally supportive of the motion, clarified several points:
- A quorum was 20 shareholders (By-Law Article 7, Section 3)
- Shareholders only had the right to vote (By-Law Article 7, Section 4)
- Eligible voters were shareholders whose names appear in the register.
Several shareholders felt that they could and would vote for the motion only in relation to their own shares. Some shareholders expressed the desire that there be some recognition or some expression of appreciation in exchange for the cancellation of shares.
Mr. George pointed out that the presentation had made no reference to the advice of legal counsel. Mr. MacFarlane replied that the committee had worked with counsel throughout and actually had met with the solicitor for more than an hour on the day of the meeting.
Chairman Ready asked Pauline Henry and Rick Richard to act as scrutineers who in due time reported that the vote was 46 to 0 in favour of the motion.
While ballots were being counted, Mr. J. Andrew Likely presented to Chairman Kip the Club Minute Book for the period 1920 to 1938. Mr. Likely said the Book recently had been found in the attic of their house, having reposed there for many years forgotten by previous owners and unnoticed by the Likely family. Mr. Ready expressed profound appreciation for the book.
Doug Acorn moved, seconded by Frank Acorn,
That a statement be published in the newspaper recognizing the contribution of shareholders and their families, and that shareholders have the right to surrender shares voluntarily, or for cash consideration for a period of 90 days.
Motion carried.
It was mutually agreed to that the foregoing 90-day period would end on May 31, 1979.
Bill MacFarlane moved, seconded by Doug Cameron,
That the present Directors of the Charlottetown Curling Club be authorized to petition the Lieutenant Governor in Council of Prince Edward Island for the incorporation under Part II of the Companies Act, of the Charlottetown Curling Club (1979) Limited, this company to have the same purposes and objects as the Charlottetown Curling Club.
Motion carried.
Bill MacFarlane moved, seconded by Bill Harper,
That the proposed By-Laws of the Charlottetown Curling Club (1979) Limited as adopted be appended to the petition for incorporation.
Motion carried.
Chairman Kip read a letter from the Civil Service Recreational Association, the host club for the Prince Edward Island Team (Wayne Matheson) making anyone visiting Ottawa during Brier Week welcome at the R.A. Club.
Chairman Kip Ready introduced the final agenda item. He said the proposal was to change the lighting in the ice rink to mercury vapour units. It was estimated that such a change would reduce the electricity bill by $115.00 per week. Estimates for the work were approximately $9,600.00 and $9,700.00, 50 per cent of which could be recovered through Enersave grants.
Frank Robinson moved, seconded by Rick Richard,
That the rink lighting be changed to mercury vapour type lamps at an estimated cost of about $9,600.00.
Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Page last modified: Friday, 03-Apr-2009 22:30:32 ADT